Indian satellite Astroset makes rare discovery in space, scientists say will make history

New delhi date. Tuesday 25 August 2020

The first Indian multi-wavelength satellite Astrosat has made a rare discovery in space. He has discovered intense ultraviolet rays emanating from distant galaxies. This galaxy is 9.3 billion light years away from Earth. The Pune-based Inter-University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA) said that under his leadership, this achievement has been achieved by a global team.

The IUCAA said India's first multi-wavelength satellite Astrosat has five exclusive X-rays and telescopes available. These work together Astrosat has detected intense ultraviolet rays emanating from a galaxy called AUDFS-01. It is 9.3 billion light years away from Earth.

Associate Professor at IUCAA Dr. Kanak Shah said that the distance determined by light in a year is called light year. This is equivalent to about 95 trillion kilometers. The global team exploring intense ultraviolet rays is led by Dr. Kanak Shah did. His team's discovery was also published in the August 24 issue of the journal Nature Astronomy.

The team includes scientists from India, France, Switzerland, USA, Japan and the Netherlands. These ultraviolet rays have been seen for 28 consecutive days in October 2016, but it took scientists more than two years to analyze them.

IUCAA Director Dr. Somak Raichaudhary said that the rays of light are still floating in the dark depths of distant space. It takes time for us to find it but all this information will help us to know the origin of the origin of the earth and space, their age and the probable date of their demise.

Scientists believe that some smaller galaxies form new stars 10-100 times faster than the Milky Way galaxy. The Arabian Milky Way galaxy contains a large number of small galaxies that are 100 times less massive than the Milky Way galaxies. Through two Indian telescopes, the scientists found in their study that these galaxies have a collision between the galaxies due to the erratic distribution of hydrogen in them due to this strange behavior. Scientists say that hydrogen is an essential element for any formation. The formation of a large number of stars requires a high density of hydrogen in galaxies.

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