Is animal fry blood serum used to make corona vaccine?
New Delhi, September 26, 2020, Saturday
In a research paper released on the covid-12 vaccine covacinin, scientists have revealed that the blood serum of newborn animals is used as an ingredient. However, as blood serum is an essential part of biological research, it is not the first time this ingredient has been used in vaccine research. This component is also imported from other countries when needed. Due to the ban on cow slaughter in India, various labs import blood serum for biological research.
According to the Commerce Ministry, India imported kettle serum worth about ૮ 2.50 lakh in 2016-2017. From April to June this year, kettle serum worth ૨ 2.1 lakh was imported. However, a technique has now been developed that uses synthetic or artificially made growth factors instead of serum. With recombinant technology, pieces of genetic coding of different organisms are put together and inserted into a host organism. Scientists can create many such growth factors artificially in a lab.
According to information published in a science journal, covacins fall into the category of inactivated vaccines so that the body's immune system can recognize some part of the virus even though the infection cannot spread. Vero CCL-21 cells are developed in the lab to prepare the vaccine, which is the kidney cells of a typical adult African green monkey. These cells are exposed to the SARS COV-2 virus inside the viroectors in a control situation. The virus is removed and inactivated for about 3 hours.
Inactivated viruses are mixed with some herbal remedies. These are drugs that boost the immune response. When a specific environment is created in the lab, the cells divide and take the form of specific cells. Dalbeco's Modified Eagle Medium is used for Kovikison with 8 to 10 percent of newborn calf serum. This element, known as DMEM, contains essential nutrients. Scientists have used a lot of serum in cow embryos due to its high growth factor.
Blood is drawn from the embryo and sent to a lab where the serum is released. For the past few years, scientists have been using serum extracted from 8- to 10-day-old calves in view of the moral crisis and insanity. The only problem with this is that antibodies develop in the blood that interfere with the lab experiment. This problem can occur especially when the animal's immune system in the laboratory has to develop white cells. According to the information received, blood serum is more easily available in dairy cattle than in any other animal. Countries such as Australia, New Zealand, and the United States have large numbers of dairy farms.
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