China's investment in these Indian apps, users' anger reached the seventh heaven

Ahmedabad. Monday, June 22, 2020

After the military clash between India and China in Ladakh, a boycott of Chinese products has started in the country in the last few days. People are also uninstalling Chinese applications along with Chinese products.

However, China has investments in some of India's top companies. It includes a number of companies such as Paytm, Ola, Jomato and Make My Trip. Not only that, Chinese companies have invested in many startups in the country. They are now venting their anger on the Play Store.

Giving apps a low rating on the Play Store
Users are giving low ratings to these Indian apps on the Play Store. At the same time, there is a protest against these apps on social media. The last one week has seen a huge drop in the ratings of these apps.

Dominance of Chinese smartphone companies in India

India is dominated by Chinese smartphone companies. Chinese companies dominate the market share in the country. Looking at the March 2020 data, companies like Xiaomi, Oppo and Vivo have captured 73 per cent of the market.

Users are also installing Indian apps
Users are uninstalling Indian apps with Chinese investment. These apps receive investment from China's largest internet company such as Tencent, Alibaba. However, these companies are owned by Indians.

Companies took oral CVs
Companies like PTM, Jomato and Ola have not commented on the whole matter. In addition, there is constant opposition to Chinese goods in India. Currently users are venting their anger against these apps on the Play Store.

Here's the whole list



Make My Trip







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