Searched for yourself on Google?

Ahmedabad. Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Have you searched Google for your own name? Most likely you must have done it! If you are active on the internet, not only satisfied with reading and seeing a lot on the net, but also contributing to it in various ways like comments, videos, blog-posts, etc., you will find a lot of your own search queries on Google. Everything will be seen. You will also see references made by others.

Of course, not all of your posts on Facebook can reach Google, so don't worry about it, but it is possible that in Google's search results, you may find yourself writing something about yourself, which is better if Google forgets now. Want. Unfortunately, Google's search engine forgets almost nothing.

Google remembers everything we do on the Internet with great precision after we are logged in to Google, but it is not a matter of much concern as it is not very clearly visible to anyone other than Google.

We're talking about those mentions about you on Google that you don't want the world to see anymore. At this stage, it is like paying special attention to one thing. Nothing that appears about us other than Google search is Google's own. Google only shows references to us on different sites or blogs.

Yet these mentions in Google search are important for a different reason. Now almost all the companies that are considering hiring are trying to find their personality by searching on Google and social sites about the candidates and families about the possible character for the son / daughter. Companies that do this work professionally are also opening up. Overseas, there are also companies that give us detailed reports by finding different types of data about us.

If you want to rent a house and have hidden some things from the landlord, but have talked about it on social media, you will definitely get into trouble, even if you have not made the landlord a friend! For all these reasons, it is important to think before posting anything on the Internet.

Speaking of our mention in Google's search results again, Google is now legally responsible for erasing it, of course only in Europe at present.

In Europe, under 'Right to Be Forgotten', any citizen can force Google to delete a reference by sending it. However, the mention does not appear only in Europe, but in other countries as well! That right has not yet been found in our country. We can confirm the request to Google, but not force it.

Google will only consider deleting it if it violates its policies, laws, copyrights, or adult material (beware, think!). Also, it is important to understand that even if Google removes our mention, it is only Google's search. Will be removed from the result, not from the website where the search result came from! It may reappear in other search engines (even if very few people use it!). Therefore, if anything is objectionable in any way, an attempt can be made to refer to the webmaster's e-mail address on the site, in the language of the request, giving a valid reason.

The best way is to stop for a minute before posting anything on the web, thinking about the results!

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