Solid evidence of flowing water on Mars, the red planet of the Solar System: Images of pebbles and rocks found

- Amazing exploration of NASA's Perseverance rover

- Rocks and pebbles found at Castel Henlez, near Jezero Ulcakund, must have been washed up by stormy river floods in the past.

Washington/Mumbai: The mysteries and wonders of our solar system, including the infinite universe, are also being discovered. Earth's neighbor and the red planet of the Solar System, Mars, has strong evidence of past flowing water.

The Perseverance rover of the American space research organization National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which is researching on Mars, has found strong evidence of water flowing on the surface of Mars in the past, i.e. millions of years ago. Evidence has been found. Now, based on all these evidences, there is also a strong indication that if there was flowing water on this red planet in the past, there must have been a phase of life there.

NASA sources informed that our Perseverance rover has landed in the vicinity of Jezero meteorite on Mars on February 18, 2021. The Perseverance rover has been orbiting in the vicinity of this Jezero meteorite on Mars for the past three years and has captured memorable images of samples of rocks, stones, soil etc. on the surface of the night planet. is

The rover captured images of all these rock, stone, soil samples with its state-of-the-art Mastcam-Z camera. In addition, the rover has also recently taken important images of some rock and pebble samples from a site called Castel Henlez near the Jezero meteorite. Astrobiological studies of these images (the scientific study of the possibility of life on any planet or moon in space) have indicated that the rock and pebble samples from a site called Castel Henlez must have arrived here on Mars from a violent river flood. The events of flooding of rivers on Mars must have happened millions of years ago.

According to expert astronomers, if sand and pebbles are found from any planet or satellite in space or our solar system, it clearly means that there must have been flowing water on that planet or satellite in the past. Sand and pebbles are the biggest and most important evidence of flowing water. The constant pounding of river currents and sea waves breaks down the rocks and over time forms sand and pebbles.

American NASA, Europe's European Space Agency, Soviet Russia's Raka etc. space research institutes have been researching for many decades to find flowing water on the solar system and any other planet in the space apart from the Earth. The main purpose of such research is whether life has flourished in the past on any planet other than Earth in the universe? And now there is any possibility of spreading life on these planets in the future right?

Since flowing water has been created on earth, life has started to grow in the form of microorganisms in the water itself. Astronomers are also searching for flowing water on any other planet of the solar system and space.

According to an important research, it has been found that there are abundant reserves of liquid water under the ice in the subsurface of Jupiter's moon Europa and in the subsurface of Saturn's moon Titan. Therefore, astronomers hope that there is a possibility of life on these two satellites in the future. That life can be in any form.

If there is life in any place other than Earth in the universe, it means that we earthlings are not alone in this vast and invisible space. Also, what is the form of that life? Astronomers all over the world are researching about these two issues.


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