Keep yourself safe on public wifi using these simple steps

Now during unlock we will start going to places like mall, restaurant, railway station or airport again and if we see free Wi-Fi connection in the smartphone then we will be tempted to take advantage of it! There is no obvious harm in taking advantage of Free, but at the same time, if you keep the following in mind, you will not regret it later.

Do not make any transactions
Never make any kind of online transaction using free public Wi-Fi. Logging into your bank's site or app or making an online payment by shopping online can certainly be risky.

Only surf safe sites
When you type any address in the browser, the address bar will initially show Secure with a green lock and then HTTPS? On this site you can keep your password or credit card numbers private. Conversely, if you are only surfing the HTTP site, it may be that someone sitting around you can see the site you are visiting and the password or credit / debit card number you are entering. !

Caution in hotspots
Be careful when using hotspots. You must know that you can connect to your own mobile with the help of Wi-Fi signal from another mobile or laptop after turning on the mobile data connection and hotspot feature. The same method can be tried by another person.

Usually we can password protect ourselves when we create a hotspot and give it to another person. But a person setting up a hotspot with bad intentions may not have any such password protection and we may be tempted to use it when we see an open hotspot.

If you fall into such a trap, the person can not only see what you surf, but can also change the site you see. Doing so is beyond the reach of the average hacker, but it is possible. In this case, you may think that you are logging in to Gmail or Facebook, but in reality, you may be giving your login details on a fake webpage that looks like a hacker created by Gmail or Facebook.

Turn off Wi-Fi
Even if we are not getting any Wi-Fi signal, if we keep the Wi-Fi connection on, there is not much risk, but still a hacker can take advantage of it. It is also good to keep the door closed for hackers by turning off Wi-Fi in our phones. That way the battery of the phone will also be saved.

Use a VPN
This advice is true, it has two problems. Free VPN service is not very effective, it can only get our information and paid VPN is expensive! If you are an executive of a big company or if you have your own good business, it can afford you and only then you really need it.

Use a secure password
Frequently spoken and yet often overlooked. If a hacker finds the password for one of your accounts while using free public Wi-Fi, he can infiltrate a number of other accounts in addition to one of your accounts within a sixth of an hour using the same password.

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