New difference in smartphone photography!

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Have you ever taken a photograph with your smartphone while frying hot fritters in your kitchen and slathering fresh fritters from the pan onto the plate ?!

If you haven't taken it, try it now (you'll get fritters too!). Instead of quickly pressing the shutter button while taking a photograph , check out the extra modes in the camera app on your smartphone. You might see ' Food ' mode (invariable if the phone is Samsung).

Before photographing the fritters in normal mode , then take this in ' food ' mode and then check the result. Turn on the food mode and point the camera at the fritters and the color of the fritters will change , a simple photo will become attractive enough to share on Instagram and the fritters will appear in a more attractive photo than what the naked eye can see!

Why does this happen ? It is true with the ' food ' mode , but behind such different modes is the artificial intelligence (AI) that has been infiltrating the smartphone camera for a long time. Although in our example the AI ​​is not yet powerful enough to ' understand ' that food is being photographed when looking at a food dish , colors are to be made more powerful. We ourselves have to do as much ' hard work ' as selecting the ' food ' mode.

Due to AI in smartphones, real-fake has been mixed up so much that there is no clear difference between the two , not only that , it has become difficult to call the result of AI in the photograph as real or fake. Recently , the real-fake uproar has reawakened in the matter of taking a photograph of the moon with Samsung's S23 Ultra phone camera . For this reason , let's focus a little on smartphone photography!

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It just so happens that Samsung, like most smartphone manufacturing companies, makes thunderous announcements about the camera capabilities of its phones. One of its advertisements shows how a sharp image can be obtained by photographing the distant moon. Seeing that advertisement, a user felt a little more. He felt that Samsung was playing tricks on us. To prove his point he did a small but interesting experiment and his whole process on his reddit ( Shared on the account.

The experiment was that he first photographed the real moon. Then he took the photograph on his computer screen. The photograph was blurry , he made it even dimmer on the computer. Then he photographed the moon with Samsung S23 Ultra. The phone's camera started doing its ' miracles ' . In no time, a photograph of the moon with much greater clarity was found on the user's phone screen.

The user said that the photograph taken was a photograph of the moon and it was dim , so how did you get such clarity from it ? Meaning clear - Samsung recognizes that the moon is being photographed and then replaces the photograph with its stock moon eye with better clarity. This means that Samsung's claim that it can take a good photo even of a distant object is completely wrong. Samsung builds with us. ''

This issue became the subject of much debate. If this is the case, then Samsung's cameras can provide ' good ' photographs of everything , not just the moon , by replacing any good stock photos available - what would be the fun of photography if such a fabrication happened ?!

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There was no response from Samsung for some time. People said that after the creation of Samsung was caught, what will the company say ?

However, Samsung later revealed a little about the whole thing on its Korean website. Of course, he didn't say everything exactly. The company said that it does not replace a fake photograph with better clarity in place of the original. But the experience of that user really proves how Samsung's camera system can do wonders.

Samsung said that when something is photographed with its camera and there is not enough clarity, the camera's AI system checks every pixel captured in the image and adds details that match exactly. Hence the result captured earlier can yield a much better result.

You may remember that some time ago we talked about one such ' Super Resolution ' feature added to the Photoshop program. Also , Photoshop software can add extra detail to a photograph even if it doesn't have enough clarity.

It means that Samsung's claim is not wrong either.

But now a new discussion has started on this issue among photography experts. Not only Samsung but also Apple , Google , OnePlus etc., the role of AI in the camera is continuously increasing in the mobile phones of every company known for good cameras. The original traditional single lens reflex (SLR) type of camera had no space constraints. Hence, by adding different lenses to it, photographs of assumed clarity can be obtained. Smartphone cameras do not have that much space. Hence experts try to compensate for the loss by arranging different types of lenses side by side. Even if they don't get the expected results, they take the help of software and AI!

As a result, it has now become a situation that a professional photographer can use his skills with a simple DSLR camera , manual adjustment of the camera settings to get a flawless result , almost the same result can be achieved by a novice photographer with a smartphone camera! The photographer himself has almost nothing to do with the smartphone. The software and AI in the camera work during or after the photograph is taken to produce the desired result in the photograph.

The problem is that photography is really the art of capturing what we see in vivid form. The heart of this art is not preserved due to AI in smartphones. It produces good photographs , but not so good that we see them with the naked eye! Now we have to decide whether to consider this as good or not.

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If we have a deep passion for photography and we are doing photography with SLR camera, it is a different thing , while doing photography with smartphones, most of the time we do not check anything in the camera settings beyond ' auto mode ' !

If we check, we will get to know a lot of new things. The reason is that smartphone manufacturing companies mostly have one thing to differentiate their phones from others - its camera! Hence it keeps adding various modes and features to its camera.

Here we have talked about various modes and features , mostly based on artificial intelligence, found in phones of different companies . You may not see all of them together in your phone , some may have them under different names. Some of these modes have to be selected before photography or videography and some features will be activated after the photo/video has been captured. When the vacation is very close, before taking off on a tour somewhere, if you check these various features in your phone's camera, the fun of photography will increase , that's for sure!

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As discussed at the beginning of the article, some smartphones have a ' food ' mode , if a photograph is taken after selecting that mode, the camera's AI system increases the color temperature of the food dish and thus makes it more attractive from the point of view of colors. You can increase or decrease the color temperature as per your preference.

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When a photograph is taken with a flash, the flash hits the eyeball of the person in front of the camera and the reflection of the blood vessels behind the eyeball appears as a red dot in the eye in the photo! Now smartphone cameras have the facility to remove such red eye effect , some also have the facility of pre-flash.


Photography is a game of light and shadow , but if we photograph in normal or auto mode, one of the light or shadow dominates the other. In High Dynamic Range mode the camera automatically captures multiple images - with different light effects - and then overlaps them on top of each other , giving a perfect light balance!

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' Fair Skin ' - This issue has become a point of debate for a long time. Photography was also apartheid. So far , it can capture a person's fair complexion vividly , but not capture other skin tones as well. Google has provided the facility of ' Real Tone ' with its Pixel 6 phone , which removes this problem!

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Night photography has long been a major ' Unique Selling Point (USP) ' for various phone companies. Generally , the results are not good when taking photography at night , in low light , but with the use of AI , the low light barrier can be removed and sharp images can be obtained even with a smartphone.

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If you go to capture a photo of your baby while he is playing happily, chances are that the photo will come out a little blurry , because the baby is not standing still. If your phone has a ' Face Unblur ' feature, even in such a situation the camera will at least try to give a photograph that shows the baby's face as clearly as possible!

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This is a feature that works after taking a photograph. People who take the paid service of Google Pixel phone and Google One get such facility in Google Photos that they can remove unwanted part from the photograph very easily. Taking a photo of a relative on the beach can easily remove other people captured in it!

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A very convenient feature unlike Magic Eraser. This feature is found in high-end phones from Apple and Samsung. If there is a close-up of the person/stomach in the photograph, by long pressing it with the finger , that part will be cut-out from the whole image and pasted where desired , a new background can be added!


Now most cameras can take photographs in this mode. Take snaps in panorama mode if you're not satisfied with wide-angle shots of the beach , desert , mountain range or city skyline. The system will perfectly match and stitch different photographs to create one very tall-wide photograph.

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The beauty of a DSLR or SLR camera is that it can keep the original subject sharp and the background blurred while taking a close-up photo of a person. In smartphones, such an effect can be brought with software. Different companies offer modes for this called ' Live ', ' Fox ', ' Bokeh Effect ' or ' Portrait ' .

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If you have an iPhone 13 or later or a phone like the Google Pixel 7, it has a new feature added to videos - Cinematic Blur! Capturing video in this mode as the name suggests , if you're videoing a person, it stays sharp and the rest gets a little blurry , giving it a professional videography feel!

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A feature that gives the opposite effect to ' Face Unblur ' . If your child is not playing in one place , but riding a bicycle, taking a photo of them in ' motion mode ' , the AI ​​will blur the rest of the photo , adding a sense of motion or action to the photo! It will keep the original subject sharp , everything else will be blurred!


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