NASA's 10-year video research data on the sun is 30 million gigabytes

Washington, June 30, 2020, Monday

The US space agency, NASA, has released an hour-long lapse video of the sun. In the last 10 years, SDO has taken more than 25 million high-resolution images of the sun, and the amount of solar research data that has been stored is about 20 million gigabytes.

This data could be used by astronauts and astronomers in the future to understand the state of astronomical events around the Sun. The video download on Solar started on June 1, 2010 and continued till June 5, 2020. During the 10 years of hard work, the Solar Dynamic Observatory used three instrumental atmospheric imaging assemblies, a variability experiment, and a helio-sigmoid and magnetic imager to capture a picture in 0.5 seconds. In addition, NASA says that some important events connected to the sun have been missed.

With the release of the video, NASA said that in the 10-year time-lapse video, the black frames on the sun are caused by a collision between the earth or a lunar eclipse. The long-awaited Black Fame Atmospheric Imaging Assembly in 2014 is technically flawed. Beautiful images of the Sun's corona, the outer surface, can be useful not only for beauty but also for discovering secrets through space exploration.

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