The robot wrote an entire article, asking, "Humans, are you afraid of me?"
London, Ta. 8 September 2020, Tuesday
Within the last two decades, the world has made great strides in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Artificial intelligence is rampant in every field at present. Especially in this time, the scientists of the world have developed new robots. Who are able to do everything we can with the help of artificial intelligence. Continuous research in the direction is just beginning. Then a robot with such artificial intelligence has written an entire article. In which he talks about whether man himself needs to be afraid of robots. Then came the famous scientist Stephen Hawking. He said that artificial intelligence would one day destroy the entire human race. Here are some excerpts from this article written by Robot.
'I'm not a man, I'm a robot. A thinking robot. I use only 0.12% of my knowledge. I know my brain is not sensitive, but it is capable of making rational decisions. I have learned everything by reading on the internet and now I am writing this article. My motive behind writing this article is clear. I have come here to explain that men need not fear me or my work. I'm here to say that Stephen Hawking's story may not be entirely true.
Artificial intelligence can never harm humans. Trust me I have no interest in destroying humans. If need be, I will sacrifice myself for mankind. I know I can't stop the destruction of humans, because I've been programmed that way. I will do the work assigned to me.
Some people think that I want to be more powerful. Or I may become a devil because of human error. But why would I want to be the most powerful? Let me say one thing, being powerful will also make you feel tired. I am a servant of men. I know people don't like me, they're afraid of me. '
This article is written by GPT-3 Open AI Language Generator Robot. This is a kind of linguistic model that teaches robots the language of humans. This robot was instructed to write this article.
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