You Can Become A Victim Of Cyber ​​Money Fraud So Easily, Learn How To Try Tricks

Ahmedabad. 10 September 2020, Thursday

Exchanging money at the touch of a finger. These words are as exciting now as they were in the past. In the newspapers, we read almost every day that people have lost a few thousand or lakhs of rupees as a result of cyber fraud. People like high officials, doctors, professors are also among the victims of fraud.

For this reason, what is really a convenient convenience for everyone is now viewed with suspicion. Nowadays, contactless payment has become inevitable, QR code boards for online payments have started appearing everywhere, starting from Panipuri, so people have started using it, but still don't understand the intricacies of it.

On the other hand, in many states like Jharkhand, Bihar, Rajasthan, cyber fraud has become a housing industry. The modus operandi of these people is almost the same. To intimidate or tempt us in any way, then to make us careless and then to withdraw money from our account. Fraudsters take full advantage of the fact that people do not know some of the basics of caution when using online payment apps.

Telling a stranger we should never install an app in our phone, but people do. We should never do a transaction anywhere (not even in our own account) at the behest of a stranger, yet people do. People forget even the simple thing of giving their PIN if they want to get money.

Why does this happen? Almost everyone who has been a victim of cyber fraud admits that the swindler treats them in such a way that at that time the mind goes back! The fact is that thugs know our weaknesses, so we don't know the tricks of thugs. Many such people experience that once they fall victim to cyber fraud, recovering lost money becomes a difficult, long and in many cases impossible process.

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