Two meteorites are feared to have hit the lunar surface after the Chinese rocket booster hit it.
- Chinese scientists and government officials are not willing to accept this phenomenon - According to NASA scientists, on March 4, 2022, a Chinese rocket booster hit the Earth on the dark side of the Moon. Houston/Mumbai: The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), an American space research organization, has sent some images of the moon's surface. In this image, two meteorites (called craters in astronomical terms) can be seen on the lunar surface. Both craters in that image of the moon appear to be on top of each other. Scientists call this phenomenon strange. Astronomers are now studying to find out the real cause and effect of the two large, deep meteorites that hit the lunar surface. There is also a debate that the two meteorites on the lunar surface were formed by the impact of the Chinese rocket. This incident happened because the upper part of the Chinese - Chang-5 TA - mission hit the lunar surface. But only one...