Accidentally deleted contacts can be recovered from the phone, this way….

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This happens to everyone from time to time. We are looking for the number of a particular person in the contact list in our smartphone and we do not find it.

We are sure that we have saved that number but now it is clapping us in the phone's address book. In such a case, it may have happened that we ourselves have mistakenly deleted that contact.

Sometimes such a big mistake can happen that we have deleted all the contacts in the phone at once! In such a case, if you have kept your contacts synced with your account in the cloud, it is easy to restore the mistakenly deleted contacts.

This applies to the Google account of Android users and the Apple account of iPhone users. For the sake of simplicity we will refer to Android.

This can also be done with third party apps if you don't keep contacts synced to your native cloud account this way. But in that case we have to allow some third app to access our contact list.

To restore numbers in Google Account

Keeping your contacts synced to your Google account is the easiest and safest way to save contacts if you use an Android smartphone. This way, even if you change the phone in the future, the contacts from the old phone can be transferred to the new phone very easily.

So if you accidentally delete a contact in your smartphone, it can be easily recalled from your Google account. For that ...

1. Google Contacts app ( Contacts, Google LLC) in your Android smartphone Install and open.

2. Open the email account in which you save and sync your contacts in your Google account.

3. On the home page of the app, click on the ' Fix and Manage ' tab towards the bottom. In the page that opens, go to ' Bin ' option.

4. Any contacts you may have intentionally or mistakenly deleted in the past 30 days will be found here.

5. Select the contacts you want to restore. It will be seen from which device the number has been deleted. Also, you will get the option to permanently delete or recover the contact.

6. By selecting the recover option, the deleted number will be re-added to the Google account.

As the contacts in the Google account and the address book of our phone remain synced with Amac, the number will arrive again from the cloud to our smartphone!

Note that...

If you are not in the habit of saving your contacts in your Google account, many of your contact numbers may be saved in your phone's SIM card. By transferring SIM card numbers to Google account, all your contacts will be stored in one place.

The process of finding the numbers in the SIM card of the phone and transferring them to the Google account is easy.

For that go to contacts app in your phone. Again click on the ' Fix and Manage ' icon towards the bottom.

Hence the page that opens , click on ' Manage SIM ' , select the contacts in your SIM card and import them to your Google account.

These steps can also be taken in non-Google , which is the handset company's contacts app on our phone , but since our contacts are saved in a Google account, it would be more appropriate to use it.


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