How much pollution is spread by smoking a single flower?

New Delhi, November 12, 2020, Thursday

Diwali is a festival of fireworks, lamps and sweets. Lighting a diva is a tradition but the number of fireworks has also increased over the last few years. Soft firecrackers are available for young children. Soft firecrackers may not make a sound, but their smoke is extremely harmful. According to a source, the smoke emanating from the famous snack pill in a soft bar is equivalent to smoking 2 cigarettes.

The smoke and noise emitted by the brewery affects insects and plants. Harmful pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide cause respiratory illnesses such as asthma and bronchitis. Ingredients like copper, cadmium, lead, magnesium, zinc and sodium in it add toxic gases to the air by exploding fireworks. Noise pollution should be measured at 8 decibels during the day and 8 decibels at night. Humans and animals can tolerate noise up to 40 decibels. A small clove of tetani loom pollutes as much as 3 cigarettes. According to the report of India Spend, the harm caused by burning a flower is equal to smoking 3 cigarettes.

The tradition of bursting fireworks in moments of joy is thus old. Kautilya's Arthashastra describes Agni Churna which catches fire quickly. Putting this powder in a pipe turns it into a firecracker. In the Mughal era, firecrackers can be seen in the pictures of Diwali festival. The discovery of ammunition and fireworks is credited to China, but the risk is growing with the increasing use of chemicals. In 120, the Syrian chemist Hassan al-Rammah first wrote in his book.

In which the ammunition was purified in hot water to make more explosions. The brewery has been included in the list of prohibited items by the Commerce Ministry, so it cannot be imported. Green fireworks have also not been allowed this year. Every year 20 to 5 people working in a fireworks factory die in accidents.

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