The transmission power of Corona virus sticking to the surface decreases after 5 days - research

London, 10, June, 2020, Wednesday

It is common knowledge that the corona virus is spread from person to person through sneezing and nasal and oral droplets, as well as if the corona virus is spread on a plastic metal or other surface. There has been a lot of research on how long the corona virus survives on which surface, but the research done by the University College London in Britain is shocking. According to research published in the Journal of Hospital Infections, corona viruses can live on any surface for up to five days at most.

It can spread to a large area within the first 10 hours when the transmissible power of the corona virus, which landed on the surface on the fifth day, was reduced. Observed after 10 hours, it spread to every corner of the ward. During the experiment Corona used a virus to infect artificial plants with a virus for a patient's breath that could not infect a man.

Both viruses were then found in a drop of water and left on the bed railing. The virus was then found in 50 percent of the samples taken at the hospital. The researchers took hundreds of samples from 44 locations in the ward over a five-day period. Samples taken 10 hours later revealed that the virus had spread from railings, door handles, chairs, waiting rooms to books and children's toys. The virus was spread to the hospital by hospital health workers, patients and newcomers.

The research found a virus infection in 86 percent of the samples on the third day after the virus was released. However, after five days, there was a decrease in the transmission of the virus. Therefore, it is not true that just wearing a mask can prevent corona virus. The negligence in cleaning can also be severe. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a US-based health organization, claims that coronaviruses are less likely to spread to humans through the surface. The ability of the virus to spread to the surface is reduced. Corona virus is transmitted from one person to another.

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