Now robots are doing joint replacement surgery, software and AI are also helping

New delhi date. 1 March 2024, Friday

Joint replacement is considered to be one of the most difficult surgeries in the medical world with no margin for error. This type of surgery takes a lot of time and recovery is not easy, but now the changing technology has made even this difficult surgery quite easy and accurate.

Something similar has been happening for the past several months in the operation theater at Fortis Hospital in Noida, where the robot has yielded positive results in hundreds of joint replacements.

Robots that are effective in joint replacement have now made hip and knee replacements much easier.

According to the doctors of Fortis Noida, this joint replacement robot is the most advanced robot in North India.

Not only does this robot perform the operation in less time but the recovery is also very fast because, the robot is doing the operation so the cuts are less.

How would you think a robot would perform surgery? Actually, this robot has an arm and the surgeon performs the operation alongside it.

A robotic operation theater looks like a normal OT, if we talk about a meco joint replacement robot, here you will see 3 machines, the first of which is a console that fits the patient's disease history and their CT scan image.

Another machine monitors and creates hundreds of photos at a time. It works by taking images while replacing the knee. The third machine is the one on which the technician along with the surgeons, the operation is done from this machine.

Dr. Atul Mishra says, the advent of robots has made operations much easier, precise and better because even a small error during knee replacement can be huge, so using robots for precise operations is effective. There is no room for mistakes in this. 200 surgeries have been done by robot in the last 6 months, while some surgeries have also been done normally, but the relief is that robotic surgery has been more satisfactory than normal operations.

This technology has changed the way of operation, but it does not mean that the robot is effective to perform the operation alone, whether the robot is active or semi-active but the robot cannot perform the operation by itself. They work only at the behest of the Creator. So, it cannot be said that the role of the doctor is diminishing or changing with the advent of robots. Robots can perform operations only with the help of doctors


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