What do you know about the world's most poisonous tree growing on the south coast of India?

Chennai, July 30, 2020, Thursday

Every plant and herb on earth has some medicinal properties. Life without vegetation is unimaginable. However, in some countries of South East Asia, including India, it has been nicknamed the Suicide Tree because of the poisonous tree called Sarbera odolam. This tree is as dangerous as it looks green and attractive. In addition to its fruits, flowers and leaves, the seeds also contain a toxic element called cerberine which can kill a person instantly.

Even a normal dose of it can cause stomach upset, pain, and vomiting. The heartbeat seems to be irregular. In addition, no medication or treatment is effective. It is as if the poison is injected into the body. The most surprising thing is that if one eats the fruit by mistake, the medical examination does not even notice it. Botanists and researchers believe that this is the most dangerous tree in the world. The venom of this tree has been compared to the venom of a cobra. Every month 4 people die from poisoning this suicide tree.

Patients suffering from depression use this tree to shorten their lives. More than 3% of them are women. The tree bears green flowers like white flowers and guavas. The tree is 10 meters tall. It is called Othalanga in Kerala. In Thailand this tree is called Pong Pog. Its scientific name is Sarbera odolum. Found in the south west coast of India and in Kerala. The tree was discovered in Madagascar in the 16th century and killed thousands of people. Its seeds contain the most toxins. This tree does not need special care. It grows naturally in adverse conditions and weather and does not take long to develop.

for more details kindly go to https://ift.tt/3bgFIf3


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