The start of election fake news - right now

Elections are coming - you yourself will recognize fake news, but don't let others in on it

The biggest celebration of the world's largest democracy is now at hand. Lok Sabha election dates are likely to be announced anytime now, but before such an official announcement, Lok Sabha election dates are already out on social media!

Social media now plays a huge role in the elections of various countries around the world. It has now been proven that Russia has made a huge mess in the US presidential election in 2016 with the help of data obtained from Facebook.

It's worth noting that Russia did almost no hacking at the time, it only got 'generous' user data from Facebook that compromised third party apps. Based on that, information was obtained about which of the American voters are very strong supporters of which party and which voters are in the middle, in the middle, and then targeted them and ran various types of content and ads on social media.

Russia thus succeeded in turning undecided people towards a president of Russia's choice. Apparently fake news was used on a very large scale in the social media war.

Apart from America, in the elections of countries like Canada, other countries are accused of changing the election results with the help of social media. Apart from Russia, China is also notorious for such misuse of social media.

In India too, social media is widely used during elections. No other country has been found to be rigging the elections of our country yet. But our big parties and their army of millions of people ready to help them are ready to make any true or false news go viral on social media!

Apart from the ardent devotees of various parties, the average social media user is also ready to forward the details of posts that interest them without checking whether the details are true or false, according to their inclinations.

For politics in India, it is said that gentleman and conscious citizens do not take interest in politics or do not show enthusiasm to vote by properly valuing the candidate, which has led to the state of Indian politics. But people who are indifferent to the polls are very active in forwarding various posts on social media!

It has already started.

Fake news is going to be flooded on various social media in the near future, it has started with the post related to the election date itself! Last month, a message went viral, especially on WhatsApp, which said that the Lok Sabha elections are starting from April 16, 2024. The message claimed that the distribution of tickets will continue till March 16 and the code of conduct will be enforced from February 16!

Maybe you have also seen this message and forwarded it. Now the Election Commission of India itself has clarified about this and said that this message is fake and the Election Commission has not announced any date for the election yet.

The funny thing is that even after this clarification of the Election Commission, this message was circulating on WhatsApp for days.

The Election Commission had put a hashtag on the X platform with its explanation #VerifyBeforeYouAmplify which means 'verify anything before amplifying it'. Will you listen to this advice of the Election Commission?!


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