Another new feature will come on WhatsApp, it will help prevent fake videos from going viral

Image: Freepik

Navi Mumbai, dt. 27 February 2024, Tuesday

Companies around the world are focusing on AI. Many companies including Google, Microsoft, OpenAI are developing their own AI and ML models, which could revolutionize the digital space. Along with these advantages, there are some negative aspects of AI, which cannot be ignored. Due to which a lot of wrong information can be spread.

Meta recently partnered with the Misinformation Combat Alliance (MCA) to combat fake news. For this, it is going to launch a dedicated fact checking helpline on WhatsApp. Which can prove helpful in preventing deepfakes and AI-generated misinformation.

MCA can be launched in March

MCA said that this new helpline will be launched in March. This can save many people from tarnishing their image. Many a times cyber criminals use photos of some celebrities and make fake videos of them. That is called a deepfake. The term deepfake has been in the news for a while now since deepfake videos of celebrities started being made.

Support in multiple languages

WhatsApp chatbot will come with multi-language support. Apart from English, three other rational languages ​​will also get support. On which you can also report Deepfake.

According to the MCA, users have to send a message to the helpline, after which the system will do its job and do the fact check.


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