How to change grid color in Microsoft Excel?

Tired of the gray-gray color of one of its grids while working in Excel ?

You can change the color of the grid if you want. For that ...

Open Excel.

Go to Options by clicking on File (the way to get here may be slightly different depending on the version of Excel).

Go to the ' Advanced ' option in Excel Options .

Scroll down a bit to reach the ' Display options for this worksheet ' section.

Here you will find grid line color options at the bottom.

Click on its drop down arrow , select the desired color and say OK , OK to exit the options.

Now the worksheet grid you selected will appear in the color you selected.

If you want to change the color of the grid to gray again, it is easy. Repeat the above procedure and click on Automatic in the grid line color options. Also note that you can choose different grid line colors for different worksheets in one of your workbooks, i.e. Excel files.

If you have kept different types of data in different worksheets in the same file, then setting different grid line color for each worksheet will make the different data different at first glance.

This is also a way of proper data management!


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