A 'new' way to search with the flick of a finger

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Often times , tech companies play games with us. When something becomes trendy, it is announced to launch a ' New , New ' feature. Now Google and Samsung have done this together with the company. Soon we will probably see its advertisements too. It just so happens that Google has just announced a major change to its search engine based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) - we will be able to search for anything we want by glancing at the screen from any app! Initially ' only ' Google will get this facility in Samsung's premium phones.

Actually searching this way is not a huge , revolutionary change. As you will know in detail below, if you have a simple Android phone, it can also be searched in this way. We can't do circle or lasarka in it , that's all (admittedly , the developers must have worked hard to provide such lasarka facilities ).

Google has another reason to promote search in this way. Our amount of searching anything on Google is decreasing now. Due to this, Google's earnings also decrease! So Google wants us to somehow keep searching on Google even when we are in other apps!

Nowadays, our smartphone is like a window that allows us to peek into the entire world. Whenever something comes to our mind, we take the smartphone in hand. But from here the matter diverges in two different directions. Either we have a particular app playing in our mind like WhatsApp , Facebook , Instagram or any other app. So let's open that app and see what we see in it. On the other hand, if we open Google or any other search engine or browser, we type what comes to mind in its search box and then proceed to whatever we find on the search result page.

So far these two things have been very different from each other. If we open an app like WhatsApp or Instagram, we can see everything that is in that app. If something catches our attention, to know more about it, we have to open a separate app of the search engine or browser and turn to it.

Now these two different directions are about to get completely confused. That means both surfing and searching will happen together - effortlessly.

Google recently made two major changes to its search engine. Currently it will be available only in some premium mobiles. It will take time to reach us. However, it remains to be seen how this change will change our smartphone and internet usage.

Secondly , even though companies like Google and Samsung say this is a new ' feature ', it's actually like a ' new cold drink in an old bottle ' ! The entire Gujarat has not yet become a gift city , brother!

First , let's talk about how this so-called ' new ' feature works.

Suppose you open the WhatsApp app on your smartphone. In it you opened a group chat. A friend has sent you an image and the unique goggles the person is wearing in that image caught your attention. You feel like buying it. You are interested to know exactly where to find such goggles.

Now the problem is that the image of the goggles is in WhatsApp. Why go and ask Google about it with just that image ? If there is a link to a webpage with the image, understandably , we can click it and proceed to learn more about the goggles. But if there is no such link ? Or if there is a link but it is about something else ?

If you are also using smart features added to the search technology, then you know that ' Google Lens ' can help us in such a situation.

But according to Google , there's a huge rush to take advantage of it right now. We have to download the image of those goggles from WhatsApp. Then open google search and click lens button in it. Then you have to select the image of the goggles from the gallery. The lens feature will then come into play and lead us to a page with more information about the goggles.

But here is another problem. There is no guarantee that Google Lens will extract information about the goggles from the entire image. To ensure that we have to crop the image to keep only the goggles part and then scan it with Google Lens.

Did you gasp after reading these steps ? Now fast forward to the new feature - Circle to Search!

Suppose you come back to WhatsApp. Your attention is drawn to the goggles in that image. Now activate Google search by long pressing the home button of the phone in the WhatsApp app itself. Then make a small circle with your finger on the goggles in the image. Instead of a circle, you can search for it by drawing a horizontal line on the goggles or with a light flick of your finger. By doing this, Google search will come in handy and will find and show us everything it can find on the internet about those goggles!

You can learn more about any word by drawing a circle or highlighting it in any other way, like an image. The funny thing is that when we are in any app like WhatsApp , Facebook , Instagram , YouTube, etc., we can easily search about a particular thing in this way.

This new feature of Google Search is being launched on January 31 , 2024. That too only in premium Android smartphones. Currently, only Pixel-8 , Pixel-8 Pro and Samsung Galaxy S24 new series phones will get this feature.

Don't despair if you don't have such an expensive phone though - read the box next to it!

'Mkfo÷ xw Mk[o' Ve[h fuðe heíku fk{ fhu Au?

This feature that comes in most premium phones is also available in your basic Android phone - right now! There is only a slight difference.

Activate Google Search while in any app on the smartphone and then circle or select the thing you want to know more about with just a swipe of your finger.

What we show ' haphazardly ' will become the right frame around it. A Google search panel will open towards the bottom. If we want, we can also ask additional questions about that matter.

Search engines will find more information about what we show and ask with the help of AI.

The important thing about the whole thing is that we can search like this from any app.

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While you're in any app , the feature to search for anything on the screen by circling or drawing a horizontal line is said to be ' new ' and exclusive to premium phones , but actually if your phone has a Google Search app , it has a Lens feature. But this feature will work - the only difference is that we can't draw a circle or a horizontal line on the thing we want , we have to directly select that thing by creating a frame . Everything else works just like this ' new ' feature!

Try it yourself - this way...

Play any video about Ayodhya in the YouTube app. When the temple appears, long press the home button of the phone , activate Google search. Now click the ' Search Screen ' button.

Various text on the screen will be selected and the temple image will be selected in the frame. Adjust the frame as needed , add anything to the search and search more about the temple!


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