This artificial intelligence tool has gone too far! It also claims to be able to 'predict' death

Artificial Intelligence Tool: Most people are more interested in knowing how long their life will last, not when they will die. But some people are also interested in knowing about Pata's death. In such an artificial intelligence tool (AI Tool) has come, about which it is claimed that death will be predicted with this AI tool.

AI tool's predictions prove to be 75 percent correct!!

A media report gave information about this AI tool. This toon has been developed by Professor Suni Lehmann of the Technical University of Denmark. Called Life2vec, the tool analyzes various aspects of a person's life, such as income, profession, housing, etc., and estimates their life expectancy. The AI ​​tool's predictions are claimed to be 75 percent accurate.

Research done on 60 people

Professor Suni Lehmann's team researched six million people in Denmark between 2008 and 2020 for this AI tool. In this research, life2vec attempted to predict which people are expected to live at least four more years between January 1, 2016. In this the events of people's lives were structured as a sequence and compared to the process of making sentences from words in a language.

How to prophesy?

The accuracy rate of this AI tool was accurate. It was estimated without any mistake, how many people will die in the year 2020. Its accuracy rate was more than 75 percent. In this research the causes of quick death were also stated. Most of the reasons were related to mental health problems or work. Factors such as income and leadership were associated with longer life.

According to Professor Suni Lehmann, looking at moral values ​​did not tell any of the participants about their life expectancy. The AI ​​tool is not yet available to the general public or corporations, but Lehmann and his team want to do more work on the tool.


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