Reduce the image-video load on the phone

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When Diwali comes, it is not just a matter of going to the garden of the house or cleaning the table-cupboards in the office. In today's time, nowhere more unnecessary things accumulate in our smartphones than in the garden or the closet. Since it is not visible again , we don't even think about cleaning it regularly. Also , since new phones are not particularly concerned with storage, we don't pay enough attention to it. But if unnecessary data continues to accumulate in the phone, the overall performance of the phone will not be affected.

Photo and video files are the biggest cause of storage in our smartphones. We ourselves take photos or videos with our phone's camera and understand that it takes up space in the phone , but if we are not careful, many of our friends and relatives also enthusiastically increase the load on our smartphones in their own way.

In this regard, the behavior of WhatsApp and Instagram , Facebook etc. apps is different. In WhatsApp, everything is transferred to our phone , while in Instagram , Facebook etc., all the images and videos are stored on the phone as ' cache ' , not in original form. All that also takes up space. The more active we are in all these, the more images and videos keep pouring into our phones from all these apps.

There are two ways to get rid of it. One , let's put a no-entry board on the door of such apps and set them to download only the images and videos we want to watch. And two , we frequently , regularly search for the images and videos thrown by all these apps and delete the unnecessary ones.

Let's know both these ways , especially the solution called no-entry.

In WhatsApp...

Open WhatsApp app and go to settings.

In it go to ' Media Auto Download ' section in ' Storage and Data ' .

There will be options for photo , audio , video and documents. We can decide in which mode each thing is downloaded i.e. from mobile data , from Wi-Fi or while roaming. All items can be set to never be automatically downloaded. Clicking on the image or video etc. in which you are interested will download it.

In Instagram…

Instagram is a little different. Here, even if we want to, we cannot save the photographs of other users in our phone (some ways are true , but it is not easy).

But if we want to save the photo we take with Insta's in-app camera in the phone or we can also set not to save it.

Go to ' Saving to Camera Roll ' in ' Archiving & Downloading ' in Settings .

Here turn off the ' Save Original Photos ' and ' Save Story to Camera Roll ' options.

In Facebook...

The photo-video etc. that we see in the Facebook app is not directly downloaded in its original form to the phone's camera roll .

But all this is accumulated in the phone in the form of ' cache ' and takes up space.

To clean it , go to phone settings.

In it go to ' Apps ' and find Facebook in it.

Here everything can be cleared by going to ' Storage and Cache ' . However, after that you have to log in to the Facebook app again.

An overview of smartphones...

If you have an iPhone or Android, any app on the phone that automatically downloads can be easily detected and deleted. For that, open Photos app or Gallery Air in iPhone and Android. In the search bar, type the name of the app through which you want to delete uploaded images or videos. Like WhatsApp. Hence, different folders of images , videos etc. downloaded through WhatsApp will be seen. Anything unnecessary can be selected and deleted at once.

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Reading the heading of the article, you may think that ' What do I need to know about image file formats ?' True if you are a housewife or a retired elder , but if you are a student or an office executive , if you have your own small business, you should understand this format.

Earlier graphic or web designing was a field limited to its connoisseurs , not so anymore. Now with the help of Jaatbhat's tool you can design a social media post , poster or a simple webpage to suit your needs . Even if you don't do it yourself and have someone else do it , knowing the different image file formats can make your work better and faster. So let's dive into different image file formats!


Joint Photographic Experts Group

This file type is commonly used for high quality photography. It may be used in lower resolution on the Internet. Enlarging such an image degrades its quality. Also, the background part cannot be kept transparent in this type of file. This file type works for printing , but the resolution should be good.


Portable Network Graphics

This file type is more useful for exchanging images over the Internet. It can keep part of the background transparent. Enlarging this type of file also degrades its quality. This type of file is generally useful for displaying text or graphics on the Internet. This type of file works fine in print.


Graphics Interchange Format

This type of file is useful for online use. The number of colors in the image decreases to 256. Hence the file size becomes much smaller. This type of file is especially used in animation.

.gif The file format is a . Similar to png format , but has poorer quality than png.


Web Picture Format

This is a very new format compared to other image formats. Google developed this format in 2010. Its purpose is clear - to reduce the file size of images on the Internet while keeping their quality intact , so that webpages load faster. Converting a normal PNG file to this format can reduce its size by up to 25 percent!


Photoshop Document

This type of file format is used for editing photographs , graphics and web design. It can take full advantage of various image editing features like masks , layers , transparency , text , actions , filters etc.

However, increasing the size of this type of file also degrades its quality.


Encapsulated Postscript File

A format for using logos , illustrations as vector files. We can make such a file as big as we want. Even if we make the image size of a high-rise building from a simple postage stamp, the image quality does not deteriorate. In this type of format, part of the background can be kept transparent. Best for large format printing.  


Portable Document Format

Image format doesn't matter , but it's useful to transfer files online without changing the original design or quality of the document. Such a file can be opened without the need for a font if the font is converted to a curve. A number of print publications prefer to receive advertisements in PDF format to publish in them.

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Be it on a Diwali tour or in our own city , when availing an app cab service like Uber , we are gifted with a variety of drivers. Some are head-turning talkers, some win our hearts with their gentle manners, and we wish we could meet the same driver again on a future trip.

Uber has such a feature! During our trip , a passenger can mark a driver as a ' favorite ' while rating the driver . This will increase the chance that the same driver will come for our trip when a trip is scheduled (30 minutes in advance) in the future (although this feature is available only in certain locations).

Like us, the driver is also gifted with different kinds of passengers. Like passengers , Uber drivers can also rate their passengers.

As a result, if a passenger behaves rudely with different Uber drivers and the drivers give him such a low rating, that passenger may even be banned from traveling with Uber over time!

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This can happen to you anytime - your son or daughter has several tabs open simultaneously on your laptop to do research for a school project and then when it's time to go to tuition or school, he will tell you that "all these tabs on the laptop are like this " . Just keep it open , I have unfinished business! " With that you come to fix! Sometimes , this can happen for your own work as well. You must save all open tabs. When visiting , it's easy to save open tabs as bookmarks.

Follow these steps for that Click on the three dots on the right side of the Chrome browser. Go to bookmarks in it. Select the ' Bookmark All Tabs ' option in it . Remember the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+D if you frequently need to save all open webpages . Now a window will open and in it you can create a new folder of bookmarks. Give this folder a desired name and click on the Save button. All the tabs you have open will be saved in that folder!

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A feature known as ' Bokeh ' or ' Live Focus ' has become very popular in various smartphones over the past few years . In this type of photography, the camera can be focused on a subject, similar to an SLR camera, to create the effect that the background is blurred. Usually in budget or midrange cameras, this effect is achieved either with the help of software or with the help of a second lens with a lower resolution. In this type of photography, the first lens with good resolution captures the foreground while the second lens with low resolution captures the background. Thus the combination between the two lenses produces a sharp image of the person in the foreground and a blurred image of the background , by detecting the ' edge ' that separates the two . Relatively expensive phones use better technology to achieve such an effect. As some phones have an additional lens , which improves the quality of digital zoom , as well as better blur effect in portrait mode. Similarly, some phones use a telephoto lens to capture depth information to produce a photograph with a better bokeh effect!

Take such a photograph on this vacation tour too!


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