A helicopter prepared by an Indian-origin scientist will make a 'flight' to Mars again, NASA has prepared

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NASA News | The American space agency NASA is once again going to fly a helicopter to Mars. The weight of this helicopter flying to another planet will be 1.8 kg. NASA named it Ingenuity , also nicknamed Ginny. The project is part of NASA's Preservation Rover, which was launched in 2020. The rover is still active on Mars.

A scientist of Indian origin has designed this helicopter

According to the report, Indian origin American scientist Dr. J. Bob Balram (Dr. J. Bob Balram) has designed Ingenuity. NASA says that Ingenuity is a miracle of technology. It is made of ultra-light weight carbon fiber and is only half a meter long. Ingenity can fly with blades rotating at 2400 and 2900 RPM. This will be about 10 times faster than any helicopter on Earth.

This helicopter has completed 64 flights so far

Ingenuity reportedly made its maiden flight on April 19, 2021. Meanwhile, the helicopter flew about three meters above the ground and circled a few times to complete a round. Achieving controlled flight in the extremely thin atmosphere of Mars was a major milestone. It was also the world's first flight beyond Earth. So far it has made 64 flybys in the thin atmosphere of Mars.

Know, who is a scientist of Indian origin?

Dr. J. Bob Balaram currently works at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Balaram studied Mechanical Engineering from IIT, Madras. Dr. Balaram says that he is going to retire from NASA soon. Now he wants to help Indian students. He said his practical training at IIT Madras played an important role in the success of Ingenuity Flight. He said that there are hundreds of students like him, who can go ahead and make India proud.


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