What data is collected on the net?

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Last Wednesday, we talked about how we are being targeted by various companies on the internet , in the context of the newly implemented ' Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023 ' in India. For that article our focus was on how our every online action on the internet is tracked , what tools are used and whether different companies can identify us personally. Today let's expand our focus a bit and talk about what kind of data different companies collect about us while tracking us.

Most of the companies on the Internet let us use their services absolutely free , in return they use our data to create a detailed profile about us. Based on this, the advertising network company can predict very accurately which product or service ad we are most likely to click on. Advertising network companies sell such ' accurate predictions ' and earn from them. It is worth noting that most of the data about us we ourselves give to these companies!

IP address

The first trace of our activity on the Internet is our IP address. This address is a unique identifier for each device that connects to the Internet. It is not usually possible for any company to clearly identify us from an IP address alone , but the Internet Service Provider Company (ISP) to which that IP address belongs and, in addition , an estimate of the city or region to which that IP address belongs (ie Police can come to our door by getting details from ISP). This information is very important for an advertising company!

Web browsing information

Advertising companies collect information about the websites we visit on the Internet and the webpages , images or videos we view with the help of their own cookies.

Profile and activities on social networking

The information we provide ourselves on every type of social site is obviously not in our hands. Even those for whom we have opted for Private Sharing only - if that site changes its privacy policy - may become public!

In addition , based on the cookies on these sites that track our activity on that social site and onward to another site , as a result , the advertising company identifies us based on information obtained from social networks and our activity on other sites , a portfolio of detailed information about us. Can make!

What can advertising companies know about us ?

Our likes and dislikes of different things

Our friends , their likes , dislikes

Information related to our personal finances , such as our account in a particular bank , our investment in the stock market or mutual fund , which insurance company products we are interested in, etc.

Information about our caste

Information about which country , state , city or village we belong to.

Information on political party leaning.

Information about our religion and our faith in that religious denomination.

Based on this information , Russia changed the election results by targeting American voters!

Online shopping patterns

If you are searching different booking sites for hotel booking on vacation , then when we are looking at any other sites we see the advertisements of those hotel booking sites and in them we see the same image of the place and the specific hotel that we have searched for. .

Similarly , if you go to an online shopping site and search for a particular mobile or a book or any other particular item and reach its product page , but then proceed to other sites without purchasing that item, that new site Even on that online shopping site ads are seen and in it we see the image of the mobile or book that we searched for!

This is because advertising companies know what we were searching for. Even if we make a purchase on online shopping sites, ads related to that item (such as other books by the author purchased) are displayed. This is the result of ' retargeting ' ! The advertising company can only show ads to those whose email address , phone number , given their list !

Search and other operations

Based on our search query search engine can know what is our mood at that time or whether we are sick. This search engine knows more about us than our family members. All this he preserves for a long time. The company also has all the information related to the PC , tablet , smartphone that we are using. Like it knows which company the smartphone belongs to , which model it is and which is its IMEI number. These companies also know on which date , at what time , on which device we were active.

These companies know how many emails we send to whom , which person sends us more emails , who is who in our contacts , which documents we have stored online , with whom we have shared, etc.

We ourselves give it all…

When we open our account on different websites , webservices or apps, we give or have to give many types of personal information to that company , such as...

Name , Place of Birth , Date of Birth

Present place of residence

Our full postal address , phone no

Mobile Number , Email Id

Current job position

Married or unmarried , wedding date

Under different names we are active on the Internet

Our entire address book

Names of our friends , names of our family members and many more....!


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