How is our information used?

- ykuLk÷kRLk yuzðxkoR®Íøk LkuxðõMko ykÃkýku zuxk {u¤ðe, xkøkuoxuz ònuhkíkku çkíkkðe f{kýe fhu Au.

Last Sunday and then Wednesday, we learned how we are being targeted on the internet ,how our every action online is being tracked and how our data is being collected through different methods. The internet's tech giants and advertising networks do so much for us for one reason - they want to make money off of making us products.

Now let's know how various companies earn from itafter preparing a detailed profile about us , especially after knowing our likes and dislikes. The importance of India's new Digital Personal Data Protection Act lies in this.

The lifeblood of the Internet lies in data. This data is not just data generated on various sites ,but data about individual users. The internet economy is driven by advertising using this data. The difference between advertising innewspapers ,radio , TV or outdoor billboards and advertising on the Internet is the same - Internet advertising is based on the user's personal data.

Whiletraditional advertising targets many people at once , internet advertising targets the one person most likely to buy the advertised product or service - right on the fish's eye, like Arjuna's arrow! Let us understand this cycle in a little more detail.

ykt¾Lkk Ãk÷fkhu Úkíkwt ÞqÍhLkwt xkøkuo®xøk

For the sake of experiment, try opening one webpage at a time in two different devices ie two smartphones or one smartphone and one laptop. Open a page of a site that has a lot of ads. You will find that even though the webpage is the same, you will most likely see different ads on both devices. If you do this experiment with someone else's smartphone or laptop instead of your own or a family member's smartphone, different ads are more likely to appear. Because the ad companies on the internet will have different profiles of both of you and accordingly show ads to both of them differently.

At the root of the ever-increasing amount of advertising on the Internet all over the world lies the overwhelming ability of targeting and the convenience of having to pay only if the advertising company hits a target.

It is because of these advertisements that most of the content or services on the internet are available for free.

While reading all about how we are targeted and shown different ads like Arjun, remember that the whole online tracking thing is a mix of smart technology and serious threats to our privacy. A lot of this happens with our consent ,a lot happens without our consent!

The heart of India's new data protection law is that we understand exactly how our data will be used and that whatever is used is only with our consent. If a website uses our data without our consent, it can now face heavy fines.

With that in mind ,now let's see how the online advertisement for the same item or service is shown to us by knowing what item or service we are most interested in buying based on our data !

Four types of people play a major role in the Internet economy:

We ourselves means the user or visitor

Websites that display ads ,called publishers

Advertising exchange networks act as a link between publishers and advertisers

A company thatwants to advertiseis called an advertiser.

We are at the center of all this because we are the target. The remaining three types of people or companies use smart technology - above us. We also have to accept that this is really smart technology if we look at it only from an advertising point of view.

The cycle of online advertising begins as soon as we visit any webpage. Suppose we open a webpage on a website. On this webpage we are reading some information related to diabetes.

Certain spaces on this webpage are allocated to display advertisements. The website automatically informs the ad exchange that there is a visitor on its webpage.

Ad Exchange checks the visitor's profile, the information we have collected previously , along with key information such as which publisher's web page we are currently viewing and what size ad space is available on that page.

Based on that, it is checked which companies are interested in showing their advertisement on that webpage. The companies that want to advertisehave already told the ad exchange what kind of webpage they want to show , to what kind of people, at what time, and how much they are willing to spend for it.

Suppose four companies are interested in showing us their ads based on our details.

Ayurvedic medicine company for diabetes , as we are currently reading a text related to diabetes.

No hotel booking site ,because three days ago we searched for a hotel on that site , but did not book.

A shopping site ,because we bought something from it. Now he wants to tempt us by showing other things of the same kind.

A restaurant near us thatwants to show us some of its special offers.

Suppose we have a place to display a single ad on a webpage we are on. So the ad space is quickly ' auctioned 'online . The ad exchange sends the ad to the web page of the company whose ad we are most likely to click on out of the four companies above.

We see that ad. If we click on it, a certain amount is deducted from the advertiser's account and the ad exchange deducts its commission from it and sends the remaining amount to the publisher of the website we are on. Companies whose ads are not shown cost nothing!

If we have clicked on an ad, that company's ad quality score increases and the likelihood that we will see its ads again in the future increases. This cycle continues continuously.

See the wonder and speed of technology. This entire cycle is completed faster than the blink of an eye.

fkhLke [kðe Mkk[ðku ík{khk ykRVkuLk{kt!

Apple company announced the ' Apple Car Key ' featurein the year 2020 with iOS14 , but its use is gradually expanding. As the name suggests this feature turns our iPhone into a car key! After doing the initial settings we don't need to keep the car key in the pocket. The car can be locked or unlocked and started with the help of an iPhone!

The funny thing is that we don't even need to take the iPhone out of our pocket to unlock the car. It is enough to have an iPhone in the pocket or in our hand! Apart from iPhone, we can store our Apple Car Key in Apple Watch as well.

Apple Car Key doesthis with Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. Apart from this, the iPhone's U1 chip also plays its part. This allows Apple Car Key and compatible cars to recognize each other's presence more accurately. Also, if the iPhone is not inside the car, the car cannot be started in its absence. Similarly, if the iPhone is inside the car and we get out, the car does not lock.

After being encrypted using cryptography, the car key is stored in Apple Wallet and can be viewed there. If the iPhone is lost or stolen, the car key can be disabled remotely by going to iCloud. If a relative or friend needs to give the car for a while, wecan share a digital copy of the key with them via airdrop or messages , WhatsApp or email.We may withdraw this access at any time. According to Apple and depending on the iPhone model, we can use Apple Car Key even if the phone's battery is dead!

It is obvious that this feature of iPhone is very impressive but for that our car also needs to be impressive. A limited number of BMW , BYD , Genesis , Hyundai, and Kia modelscurrently support Apple Car Key (see for a list of all models).

To use Apple Car Key, you need to have a compatible car and an iPhone with the latest version of iOS. It can also be used in Apple Watch Series 5 or later smartwatches.

We have to sign in with Apple ID in our Apple device. After this, using the car manufacturer's app, we will be able to digitally store the car keys in our iPhone wallet.

Even if we don't have such a car or an iPhone , the point is that smartphones are disappearing one by one!

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Any restaurant you go to on a Sunday evening is packed and you have to be prepared to stand and wait. But if you imagine you can know sitting at home that there is some crowd in your favorite restaurant at that moment. All you have to do is take out your smartphone from your pocket and search for that restaurant.

Surprised ? Sometimes you may have seen this feature inGoogle's ' My Business ' service but may not have paid much attention to it. Thanks to the ' My Business ' service , when we search about any business in Google , in addition to the address of that business , directions to reach there, its location on the map , website , phone link , photographs , user reviews etc. can be seen in the smartphone. It also shows how crowded the place is at different times. This feature in Maps is named - ' Popular Times '.

With this facility ,we can see how crowded the business is at different times of the week, on differentdays, at whichtime there is rush and when there is free time. A graph of popular times can be accessed by a few clicks in the map which opens its page after clicking on that place.

Earlier it was possible to know the average crowd at that place at what time. Now when we are searching for restaurants we can know exactly how crowded it is and how much time people spend in that restaurant on average.

You must know that on Google Maps we can see how much traffic there is on different routes atthat time . Google draws these conclusions based on GPS data of people using Android phones and passing by on various roads. With the same trick , Google can now give us a live ' estimate ' of how crowded the place is at that time based on the data of people walking around with their smartphones in various business places!

However, we still don't get such live updates about all the places around us, as maps mostly provide such information for the places people are searching for the most.


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