Who is responsible for billions of tons of plastic being dumped in the sea every year? 400 places were declared dead zones
Currently, the condition of the seas across the country and the world is getting serious to very serious. Finding ocean plastic has become very common in recent times. Earth gave water, land, air, trees, food to man but in return man gave only garbage, pollution and so much plastic that will remain there for thousands of years. Along with the land, the sea is no different from this situation. According to a Science Alert report, 12 million metric tons of plastic are thrown into the ocean by humans every year. This plastic is not only consuming the fish, but is slowly swallowing the entire ocean.
The report provided alarming figures
According to a recent report by the Environmental Protection Agency, 8 to 12 metric tons of plastic are thrown into the ocean every year. At the same time, 15 to 51 trillion pieces of plastic are found floating on the surface of oceans around the world. According to this report, 46,000 pieces of plastic float in every square mile. The ocean between California and Hawaii has two places where the maximum amount of garbage accumulates.
Due to this situation, 400 dead zones were formed
Dead zones are places where there is either very little or no oxygen in the water. In the language of science, some people also call it the hypoxic zone. Currently 400 such zones have been created in the world. Here it becomes difficult for the fish to breathe and it is not possible for them to survive in this zone. The reason for this is the millions of tons of plastic floating on the ocean, which spreads over the surface of the sea so intensely that even sunlight cannot penetrate under the water.
Which countries dump the most plastic into the ocean?
According to a report by Science.org, the number one country that throws plastic into the ocean is the Philippines, which throws 356,371 metric tons of plastic waste into the ocean. While India comes at the second number which throws 126,513 metric tons of plastic waste into the sea every year. In this case, Malaysia is at number three and China is at number four. While Indonesia ranks fifth, dumping 56,333 metric tons of plastic waste into the sea every year.
88 to 95 percent of all waste comes from 10 rivers worldwide
Much of the ocean's waste travels through the world's rivers. According to a report published on Science Alert, 88 to 95 percent of all waste, including plastic, entering the ocean each year comes from 10 rivers worldwide. These include the Nile and Niger rivers in Africa. While the remaining 8 rivers belong to Asia.
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