54 years ago, man reached the moon, but even today there are questions about the US space mission

- If there is no air on the moon, why is the flag waving?

- Only 30% of Americans in one survey say that mission is correct. Russia's Ros-Cosmos space agency also makes that claim

New Delhi: The American space agency NASA created history today (July 20) by sending a man to the moon in 1969. Neil Armstrong and Budge Aldrin landed on the moon 54 years ago today.

In 1958, the United States formed the National Aeronautical and Space Agency (NASA), 11 years after it sent a man to the moon.

At that time the space race began between the US and the Soviet Union (USSR). It was the era of Cold-War and intense competition was going on between the two in every field including space.

The head of Ross Cosmos Space Agency, the Soviet Union's space research organization, even said that America had never set foot on the moon. Actually he is lying. 30% of Americans have the same opinion. In fact, the Soviet Union's spacecraft Luna 9 landed on the moon in 1966. After that, on July 16th, after the Neil Armstrong 11 reached lunar orbit on July 16th, NASA says that the first two moons reached the moon on July 20th, 1969, but the question is that there is no water on the moon, so their footprints cannot be shown. It cannot be given the impression that it is, and the American flag is visible in the photo, but there is no air on the moon, so it is not possible. Thus, America's mission to the moon raises many questions.


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