Write your heart out on Twitter now... Blue subscribers get 25,000 character limit

Image Courtesy: Twitter

Dt. 28 June 2023, Wednesday

Twitter has started giving blue subscribers the opportunity to write more freely. Now Twitter Blue users can write their thoughts or words in 25,000 characters instead of 10,000 characters. This update was shared on Twitter by a person named Prachi Poddar who works as an engineer in the company.

Anyone can read long tweets written by Twitter Blue users, but only paid subscribers have the long tweet option.

Ever since Elon Musk bought Twitter, people have been getting regular updates on the platform. In February, the company increased the tweet limit for Blue subscribers from 4,000 characters to 10,000 characters. Along with this, the company has also given Blue subscribers an option to change the bold and style of the text font.

People who are not subscribed to Twitter Blue can only tweet up to 280 characters. Earlier this limit was 140 characters.

Twitter Blue users get some benefits

  • Blue users can edit published tweets for the next 1 hour. During this time they can update the tweet, tag someone or rearrange the media. Edit Tweet option only applies to original tweets and quote tweets.
  • Blue users see 50% less Ads For You and Following sections than normal users.
  • Can bookmark tweets and write long tweets
  • Blue users can change Twitter app icon
  • Twitter Blue users can upload up to 2 hours of HD video on the platform. Apart from this, users can change the Twitter theme and can also undo the tweet.
  • In terms of security, Blue User has the option of 2FA. The company took it away from free users a few months ago .


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