Website Domain: Confusing Things?

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A website domain and its hosting – both of these are things that we use everyday but are unaware of many aspects. That is why you may not have noticed a big news related to domain registration. This is news that is unlikely to affect you directly.

Google is also known to take the plunge after launching its various services. Another one is being added to the long list that Google has closed - Google Domains! This Google service has been a very popular service for registering various website domains , but now it is winding down. The domain of your own website or that of the company you are working for may have been purchased on this Google service but you may not be aware of it.

Google started working as a domain name registrar since 2005. From 2015 its beta version was launched for the public. We go to and search for more than 300 types of top level domains (like . com, .org, etc) can be registered.

Now there is news that Google is stopping this service. All its business and the data of about one crore domains registered with its help ' Squarespace ' ( Name will be transferred to another company. This company also provides domain registration and hosting facilities. Apart from that, we can also prepare a website with its help.

No need to worry if your or your company's website domain is registered using Google Domains service. Our account or website will not be affected , and we do not need to do anything. Only our domain account details will be transferred from Google Domains to the new company and our website will continue to function. According to the new company Square Space, for at least the next 12 months, all customers of Google domains will be able to renew the domain at the rate offered to them.

Now, for the sake of this news , let's dive a little deeper into the process of domain registration, because the entire Internet is rooted in it!

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Every website on the Internet gets its own unique address - how this is possible is shown next.

In very simple words , if we compare our website to our house, domain is the nameplate of the house and hosting is the space of the entire house.   is in which we can arrange various things.

In today's time it is very important for every business to have its own website. When we think of designing or building a website, the first two things become necessary. Website Domain and Website Hosting. We can register both these things with different companies. Both need not be owned by the same company. If we want, we can register the domain first and then when it is convenient, we can buy hosting for it and develop the website on it. A domain gives our website a specific address on the Internet. By reaching this address people should see different file ie different webpage of our website. The address to place these files is called hosting. Domain and hosting have to be renewed annually.

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What is the main point in the domain ' TLD ' ?

For years we thought that website addresses only have .com at the end , but now you know that's not the case! The words written after the last dot in the address of any website are called Top Level Domain (TLD).

Second , the whole Internet works like a phone directory using the Domain Name System (DNS). When we visit a website its domain name (like , but web browsers identify websites by their IP addresses. DNS converts domain names into IP addresses . In addition to .com , many types of DLDs are used to display the website of an organization , educational institution , government organization, organization of various countries, etc.

What to keep in mind while choosing a new domain ?

Our website address should be such that people can easily remember it. Now the problem is that as years have passed since websites became popular on the internet, it is gradually becoming difficult to find the web address we need. An address with our business name and .com at the end is best. Because while writing the web address, people blink their eyes and write .com at the end. But nowadays it is getting very difficult to get our business name and address with .com ending. If such a domain is not found, we can choose from several other TLDs. A good domain is one that is easily remembered by people and by reading it, they also remember our business.

If someone else has taken the domain we want ?

If the domain we need has been registered by someone else before us, the domain registrar company itself suggests us different options.

These options can be of two types. One , a minor change or addition to the name of the business and two , . Anything else (another TLD) instead of com.

In the first solution, if someone has registered the domain of our business, adding words like info , India , online, etc. at the end of the business name, then the name can be available with .com.

Another solution is to replace .com with .in , . Co. In , . Biz etc type top level domain can be selected. There are many new top level domains of this type available now , but not all are very popular.

Can more than one domain be registered for one site ?

Yes , many people when registering a new domain for their company .com , . Org , . etc. register domains with a number of other TLDs , so that no one else gets the same domain as them. Of particular note is that .com is the most common top level domain. So if there is another business with the same name as ours , it has got a domain with .com and also has a website, it would be better if we try to get a domain with .com by making a slight change in the name of the business instead of taking another TLD. Our legally registered business name and business domain may be slightly different. It is important that our visitors can easily reach our website.

The process of domain registration of websites on the Internet

Internet of Things - This concept is not particularly unfamiliar to us , but we still have no idea what devices will connect to the Internet beyond the screen of our smartphone , laptop or smart TV.

As a Dutch company has connected the old and well-known pen to the Internet for us!

Looks like a normal pen , but the nib has a bit of a raised part, this pen is unique in many ways. Various sensors and cameras equipped with high-tech , vision algorithms are fitted at the top of the pen , which are activated when the pen touches the paper.

After that, whatever is written or drawn on the paper with the pen, everything is captured by the sensors and cameras at that moment and digitized in the pen itself. Since the pen has infrared light sensors, it can easily capture everything even in insufficient light.

This digitized content from the pen can be sent via Bluetooth to the pen's app. Thus anything we write on paper is instantly digitized and instantly arrives in our device in a digitized form , from where it can be shared with anyone.

In addition, all content that is digitized remains encrypted, meaning that no one but us can read it.

Thus, high-end smartphones and tablets have the facility of writing with a pen on the screen. But this pen is different compared to them.

Its specialty is that it offers a completely paper-like experience , in every other way. The pen has a small battery. It works for a total of two hours after being fully charged.

Like Bluetooth ear buds, this pen's charger is of the type that keeps charging automatically when you put it in its box.

Its system is activated only when the pen touches the paper. Hence the battery can last longer. The pen uses a regular ink cartridge which can be easily replaced. Pen's app is free, but if you buy its premium version, it also turns handwritten text into editable digital text using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology!

Well , the price of this pen ? 229 dollars (about 18 thousand rupees).


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