Understand digital files management at the beginning of college

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- ík{u ík{khe çkÄe s ​​VkRÕMk ðLkzÙkRð fu økqøk÷ zÙkRð{kt Mxkuh fhþku íkku íkuLku øk{u íÞktÚke, øk{u íÞkhu yuõMkuMk fhðkLkwt Mknu÷wt çkLkþu - Ãkhtíkw íku{kt Ãký ÞkuÞ VkuÕzh MxÙõ[h økkuX ððwt yrLkðkÞo Au .

Let's say you have reached college this year. As per the new time you have also bought a laptop and you have stored many notes of college lectures or any assignment files in the laptop. So you are smart and store all your files in a cloud storage service like Google Drive , One Drive or Dropbox , but suppose one file of an assignment is stored locally in your laptop. You need that file in college. what will you do

You have to call mom and ask her to mail you that file. Let's also assume that mom is tech savvy enough to mail you the files you need.

The question is, will you be able to get mom on the phone to the file you need ? Do you keep your work files and folder structure properly organized in your laptop ?

The answer would probably be no. Many things are not taught in our schools and colleges. One such important thing is the management of digital files. Management of digital files is more necessary than physical files containing office papers as the volume of digital files grows at a faster rate than physical files. In such circumstances it is very important to store and manage files properly to keep our work running smoothly without any kind of stress.

If we have already thought through a proper structure of our files and folders and follow it regularly, we can devote all our time to more important work - not searching for files. Whether you are still in school , college or have reached the office , knowing these basics will help you throughout your career!

VkRÕMk, VkuÕzh fuðe heíku ykuøkuoLkkRÍ fhkÞ?

Cloud storage is an indispensable way of smart management of digital files nowadays. If you have a laptop, you must have cloud storage. In that case, all your files can be kept synced and available on both devices (preferably in the cloud , which can be downloaded to those devices only when needed). From the point of view of college, Google Drive or OneDrive should be enough for you (if you have a small company or team, you have to look for other options , which have syncing fast). After the cloud storage is decided , let's move on to proper organization of folders and files...

Proper folder structure

Take some time and decide on a folder structure that works for you. Each person's needs are different , but some examples are given in the adjacent column. If necessary, create a new main folder keeping all the folders and files deposited so far as they are and create folders in it according to the new method you have chosen. Cut and paste the required content from the old folders/files into this new structure. Remember that it may take some time to decide on your folder structure, but once decided it pays to stick to it. Don't try to do everything at once , stay focused and organize files on one subject , topic (or client).

Uniform file/folder naming

One of the most accurate ways to quickly access the required files is to give the same file or folder names. Again , everyone's needs are different , but once you decide on the file name structure that suits you best, stick to it consistently.

For example, if a student, each file can be named as: Subject_Topic_Work_Date. Any of your files for Office can be named as: Client_Project_Work_Date

Even when we are sharing our file with another person, if we give the file a clear name in this way, it becomes very easy for them to understand what is in the file.

An underscore or dash can be used to separate each important word in the file. If two words are written together, the first letter can be capitalized. Always follow the same format to write date like 28062023.

If you want, you can put a number at the beginning of each file name to give it a specific order. While giving the number, consider that if the number of files in those folders is likely to be more than 10, instead of giving numbers like one , two , three, give the number as 01 , 02 , 03. After another file number 11 will appear directly and then file number 2 will appear! Similarly, if the number of files is likely to increase from 100, it will be necessary to use two zeros before the sequence. Files that are most important to you can be prefixed with a zero or double a or triple a to make them appear at the top. However, it's also worth remembering that many computer programs can't handle very long filenames. It is also important to keep filenames short.

Keep deleting unnecessary files

Good folder/file management is where only important files are kept.

For that we have to keep looking at our files regularly and delete unnecessary files. It also happens that some files are not needed to be worked on at that time but are not completely unnecessary either. In that case the files can be transferred by creating a folder in the main folder containing the files and giving it a name like ' Extra ' or ' Other ' or ' Check and Delete ' .

Just configure it properly while creating the file

Many people have a habit of saving their work files to the desktop first and then trying to organize them when they have time!

We never really get that kind of time!

Therefore, after deciding a certain type of folder structure that is convenient for us, then we download a file in the mail or we ourselves create a new file, at the same time give it a name in the format we have decided and save it in the appropriate folder in the format we have decided. If we keep the habit of doing everything becomes very easy.

VkuÕzh MxÙõ[hLkkt WËknhý

Þh, Mkçsuõx fu õ÷kÞLx

It is also possible to store all our working files only by year or subject/client wise. For that, a folder can be created in the main folder according to the name of each subject and in each folder, a new folder can be created by adding the year with the name of that subject. That way finding each file becomes very easy.

«kusuõx, Mkçk«kusuõx fu Mkçsuõx, xkurÃkf

If you are an office executive, files can be organized by project. If there is a student, it can be arranged according to the standard or subject. As for Office, if you are working on many different projects, you can create a top level folder for each project. Similarly, if you are working on different types of projects, you can create a top level folder according to the project. Within each top level folder, subfolders of specific years or months can be created. The important thing is to just create a specific folder structure and follow it regularly.

ð‹føk, VkRLk÷ yLku ykfkoEð

In a way, this kind of folder structure follows the Japanese ' Kanban ' method. In the Kanban method, three vertical columns are created on a large board with tasks to be done in the first column , work in progress in the second column, and completed tasks in the third column. Accordingly our folder structure can also be divided into three folders namely working , final and archive. The working folder stores files that are still in progress. The final folder contains files that have been completed and are ready for final action. Only those files that need to be preserved for future use can be saved after the work is all done in the archive folder. If we are taking a final backup in the cloud or in an extra hard disk, it can also be configured to take a backup of only the files in the archive folder.


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