Attention, your old Google account may be deleted!

Recently, Google has announced that it will start deleting Google accounts that have been inactive for a long time. In this announcement last week, Google clarified that Google can delete the account which has not been used or logged in for at least two years. Google has also warned that when the Google account is deleted, all the data in it will also be deleted. This means that everything including all mails in Gmail , all files in Google Drive , details in calendar and photos stored in Google Photos etc. will be deleted in this account.

According to the company, it has decided to delete the old account due to security related issues arising due to the old account. According to Google, accounts that have not been used for two years most likely do not have two-step verification or other security settings in place, and because of this, it is very likely that such accounts have been compromised or that the passwords set for them are being used elsewhere.

However, Google will not start the process of deleting old accounts until December of this year. Also, it will warn users repeatedly before deleting the account. Of course, if we are not using such an old account , if there is a warning in it, it does not mean anything! Therefore, if we have given any other email address as a recovery account in that account and we are using it regularly, we will notice such a warning. Also, Google says it will only delete personal accounts. Google accounts from school , college or office will be safe even if they have not been used for two years.

Better yet, if we subscribed to a newsletter in the old account and received regular mails, that activity will be counted and the account will not be deleted.

Considering all this, your old Google account is not particularly at risk , but if you want to keep it, try logging in to it. Even if you have forgotten your password or username, it can be recovered. By doing any kind of activity in such old account we can save it.


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