Now petrol pump will be opened in space, American company will do amazing in this way

Image: Pixabay

You may have seen many petrol pumps on earth, but soon petrol pumps are going to open in space too. This petrol pump will not be like the petrol on earth. This will be a special type of gas station. American startup company Orbit Fab is going to open this gas station. With its launch, satellites traveling long distances will not face fuel shortages as they will be able to refuel in space. The company has named this refueling station as Tenzing Tanker-001.

Shipped to Tariksh by refueling station transporter

Tenzing Tanker-001 is a prototype sent into space by SpaceX using a transporter. The purpose of this flight was to determine whether the tanker could transfer fuel from one satellite to another.

The country has to pay money to fill the fuel

Tenzing Tanker-001 is shaped like a microwave. Its main function is to refuel Earth observation and weather satellites. It will also provide Earth images and weather related information. The country or company will have to pay for the refueling of this craft from Orbit Fab. Tenzing Tanker-001 has sensors to detect whether the satellite is full of fuel or not. After refueling, it will detach from the satellite and go out to refuel other satellites.

Over 4,000 active satellites

The Union of Concerned Scientists estimates that there are currently over 4,000 active satellites in orbit around the planet. It is predicted to increase to 1,00,000 by the end of this decade, including satellites used for communication, internet, research, navigation and earth observation.

These petrol stations will also reduce satellite collisions by refueling engines

As low earth orbit marketing is projected for this century, the existence of so many satellites will present both new opportunities and threats. For crash prevention, service and maintenance, a refueling system will be required. These petrol stations will also reduce satellite collisions by refueling engines.


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