A successful reverse aging experiment in mice raised hopes of making humans immortal

- Important breakthroughs for scientists at Harvard and Boston laboratories

- Average human age will increase after 2030, likely to develop technology to make mankind immortal by 2045

- Improved brightness in the weakened eyes of aging mice made young by DNA modification

New Delhi: According to a report published in the science journal Cell, reverse aging experiments in rats have been successful. As a result, the technique that rejuvenates man now will be developed in a few years. Scientists have expressed the possibility that by 2045, the technique of making mankind immortal will be found. The report also said that the average age of humans on earth will increase by 2030.

Scientists in labs at Harvard and Boston University have conducted successful reverse aging experiments in mice. According to a report published in the science journal Cell, the lifespan of mice can be shortened by making important changes and modifications to the DNA. By altering the DNA of old mice, the researchers claimed to have made the mice young. That is to say that even the eyes weakened by age became like youth. Scientist David Sinclair said that age can be reversed. This is a good example of how DNA can change. The report claimed that age could not only be advanced, but also extended by altering DNA. By changing the body of a young man, he can be made 70 years old.

Dr. Cardeiro reasoned that by 2030 the average age of man will increase. In 1881, the average age was only 25.4 years, which has increased to 69.7 years in 2019. After 2030 years will be added to the average age and people will be able to live longer. Artificial intelligence and robotics as well as new discoveries in science will not only increase average but also healthy life expectancy. According to scientists, those who live till 2045 will get a chance of immortality. Because by then systematic technique of reverse aging will be developed.


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