A huge meteorite will pass by the earth today, after 2012 such an event will be seen again

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Dt. 29 March 2023, Wednesday

Our universe is full of many mysteries that we know very little about the universe. Sometimes the danger increases if an asteroid comes close to Earth. So sometimes some scientists notice a new star. Recently, an astronomer has warned that a super-massive meteorite is heading towards Earth. A very close astronomical phenomenon will be seen on Earth tonight.

The diameter of this meteorite is 42 meters while its height is like a multistorage building

In this regard, scientists said that the size of this meteorite is about 24 emu birds if placed one on top of the other and this meteorite looks like a tower. Its diameter is 42 meters. While its height looks like a multistorage building. NASA expressed concern and said that it is passing close to the earth.

Gharti's orbit will pass very close

The meteor that is about to pass by the Earth was first seen in 2012. And was last seen close to Earth in 2017. So today once again at 11.33 pm this meteorite will be seen very close to the earth. According to a report, this meteor named 2022 YK4 will pass only 4495416.015 km from Earth's orbit. Scientists say that such an event will be seen again in May 2029.


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