A black hole, which is constantly sending dangerous radiation to Earth, can become a big threat

Image Envato

Ahmedabad. 27 March 2023, Monday

A black hole is a state in which stars end their lives and disappear into space. Black holes have higher gravity. This is a place where no laws of physics apply. Cramps can cause anything. Light also goes in and comes out once. As an astronomical imagination, anyone who goes before him becomes the lung of his time. Then he can never come to his state.

The black hole is sending very dangerous radiation to our planet.

According to scientists, this supermassive black hole has come close to Earth. This black hole facing the Earth is sending very dangerous radiation to our planet. This is the opinion of some space travelers. However, it is not yet clear how this black hole can affect our galaxy.

Worryingly, the black hole is currently facing the Earth and is staring at the Earth

Now a team of international astronomers has re-examined a galaxy. At the center of this galaxy is a supermassive black hole. According to scientists, it has changed its direction. Worryingly, it now faces the earth. And he is constantly staring at the earth. The galaxy, named PBC J2333.9-2343, is 65.7 million light-years from Earth.


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