Is your PC safe from unexpected power surges?

Suppose you are working on a large document on the desktop in your office. Next door, your co-worker is doing something similar on his laptop. Meanwhile, suddenly something went wrong in the power supply of the office building and the power supply was cut!

At the same time, your desktop screen will become a black spot. If the program you are working in does not have an auto save facility, you will lose all work since the last time the document was saved. A sudden shutdown of the power supply has the potential to damage not only the data but also the programs and hardware of the desktop.

On the other hand, your colleague working on a laptop will be relaxed. Even if their laptop is plugged into power, they will not be affected by a power supply cut. He will be able to carry on his work with ease. Even if the laptop battery is low, they will have enough time to save their work and shut down the laptop properly!

You must know the reason for this difference between laptop and desktop – laptops are battery powered. So if the battery is low and we keep it with power supply on, the battery keeps charging and the laptop runs on the power supply. If the power is cut off suddenly, the laptop system automatically shifts to battery and our work is not affected.

The good thing is that if we want, we can avail such convenience in desktop as well. The condition of power supply in Gujarat is relatively good and in a city like Ahmedabad, there is very little fluctuation or sudden supply loss in power supply, so if we do not provide additional facilities like laptop battery for desktop, but in other places, it is better to install a device called UPS for desktop .

In most offices , hospitals etc where there is a large setup of computers, Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) is arranged to provide uninterrupted power supply to all the computers without any interruption. UPS come in different capacities. Now many people have started installing UPS in their homes and small offices even if they have only one desktop.

This UPS works exactly like a laptop battery. When we install the UPS, let's input the power to it. The computer is plugged into a UPS instead of a direct power plug. A UPS has a battery. Which keeps charging continuously. In case of unexpected power supply failure, the UPS battery automatically activates like a laptop battery and the power supply to our desktop continues uninterrupted.

Once the power supply is restored, the desktop starts running on battery power again. If we bought a relatively cheap UPS then the desktop cannot run on battery for long. But we get enough time to properly shutdown the desktop by saving our work files.

If your town or village has problems with power supply surges or supply cuts, consider investing in a UPS to protect both data and desktops. Different capacities and types of UPS are available in the market. According to the budget , if you buy a relatively low capacity , cheap UPS, its battery may not last long. So you may have to buy a new UPS again in a year or two.


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