The first rice plants cultivated in space were brought back to Earth

Image: Pixabay

The China Space Rice Plant, developed by China in space, has returned to Earth. With the return of the Shenzhou-14 crew on December 4, the third batch of space science experiment samples returned with the capsule. It also includes the first paddy plants prepared in space. It is called experimental seed of Arabidopsis thaliana or thalle cress. This seed has rapidly grown into a space station.

Both plants experienced 120 days of cultivation in space and completed the entire development process from seed to seedling. Significantly, rice is a crop that is eaten by almost half of the world's population. Due to human's deep interest in life in space, it is considered to be very important in the future.

Experts say that for the long-term survival of humans in space, it is necessary to ensure that plants can complete their generational transition and reproduce successfully in space. Therefore, using microgravity for rice production is an important initiative of space botany research.

It is worth noting that previously only bagasse pea and wheat were successfully grown from seed to seed in the space environment, but rice did not complete a full growth cycle under such conditions. Experimental seeds of tail cress and rice were launched into space with the Vantion Lab Module in late July. The experiment was officially started on July 29 with the injection of nutrients and was completed on November 25 for a total of 120 days. During this process the watercress and rice seeds germinated, grew, swelled and became seeds.


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