In nine years avoid the disease of new age

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As much as we are now excited to say goodbye to 2022, how much more joy was there at the farewell of 2020. It would have been better if that year had not come at all , we wanted that too. We are almost out of the medical and economic effects of Corona , but its other side effects are now visible.

The whole world literally came to a standstill due to Corona , but online started running at double speed. Earlier, parents could snatch the mobile from the hands of the child , then they had to give the mobile and say that Le Bhan!

In that time of lockdown, there was an opportunity to look at life anew , it was a chance to make good use of the break that was given , to learn what was missing , for that everything was really ' handy ' , but for the young and old, no meaningless videos , games and money. The gaming trend has risen.

Its effect is visible now. Now it is news that a Canadian couple has filed a lawsuit against the world famous Epic Games after their two children got addicted to Fortnite game. The court deliberated for three years , and decided that the case was not frivolous but worthy of court action!

If someone in your family is affected by this new disease, take timely action!

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' Localcircles ' ( which is advised by some of the stalwarts of the Indian industry. In 2019, a different kind of social media platform called Name did a survey of Indian parents.

In the pre-Corona survey, 73 percent of parents were of the opinion that they do not want their children to use social media before the age of 15. While 59 percent said that children between 11 and 13 years should not be allowed to open social media accounts even if they have parental consent. Three years after that survey, a similar survey was conducted again. About 65,000 people from 287 districts of India were polled about children's use of social media . If we take a look at the results, we realize that now there is no question of parental consent or supervision regarding the use of social media , children have progressed a lot in their own way.

What is the situation in your house ?

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Even if the statistics sound boring, read on - according to the results of a recent survey by LocalCircles , 62 percent of urban parents say their 13- to 17-year-old children spend three hours or more a day on the Internet on social media , videos and games. 49 percent of urban parents said that their children aged 9 to 13 years spend three hours or more on the Internet daily on social media , videos and games.

71 percent of parents said their 13- to 17-year-old children can use smartphones almost all day outside of school. 55 percent of parents gave such a vote for children aged 9 to 13 years.

44 percent of parents said that their 13- to 17-year-old children and 47 percent of parents said that their 9- to 13-year-old children are addicted to social media , videos and gaming on the Internet.

Again the same question - what is the situation in your house ? Do you know what your kids do when they have their phone in their hand all the time ?

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In this survey, the parents were also asked that according to them, what is the reason for the continuous increase in the use of the Internet among children ?

Parents themselves admit that the reason is that they gave or had to give digital tools to their children earlier than they needed. During Corona, schools , classes went online and children's friends also kept pushing to increase the use of internet. Parents also acknowledged that their own social media , gaming, and video usage had continued to increase, which extended to children as well.

It is believed that nowadays children and adults check their phone about 150 times a day by unlocking it. Anxiety and depression levels are also increasing due to excessive use of internet among children below 18 years of age. According to experts, smartphone use should not exceed two hours a day to avoid side effects.

Do you know exactly how many hours your or your children's usage is ?

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Until a few years ago , online gaming simply meant simple games. It could be multiplayer , make groups of friends , play with each other from home , chat about it , fight , all that , but ultimately it was a game. Nowadays, the very definition of games has changed. This name has been hijacked by betting or gambling platforms in the name of games, such as ' fantasy games ', ' eSports ' or ' pay-to-play ' . Gambling , also called gaming. In such games, people bet their money and earn money if they win. To get more users, such platforms initially offer ' gamecash ' so people can play without having to stake anything. That's enough for the platforms. Once a person plays a game on such a platform , earns something , it is bound to come back again. On such a platform, there is no guarantee that the opposite player will be a real human or an algorithm-driven machine. With the overwhelming analysis of data on such a platform , the platform can turn the tables as expected. A winner can also tempt the loser to play again.

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A boy from Tamilnadu wanted to become a doctor. He gave the NEET exam. Score was relatively good , but parents could not afford medical college. Let's cut the story short - the son tried to pay his own expenses by playing online games , stole mother's jewelry and finally lost everything , committed suicide in his guilt. The parents did not even know what games their son was playing. More and more such cases are coming out from different states.

On the other hand, movie stars , cricketers , YouTubers and other social influencers are busy promoting gaming platforms and taking millions or crores according to their whims without caring about the impact on the society .

Why ? Because the laws of India are still unclear about whether the games played on such platforms are called gambling or not. If the government itself is running such games, even after the cases in the courts , these platforms are running, then who would hesitate to promote them ?

Does Sanskar do anything ?

In India, the law enacted in 1867 still applies to this matter! Fortunately , new provisions are now coming. Various state governments now seem to be waking up to this issue. Despite the blurring of ' skill ' and ' chance ' based games in various states , real money games are being banned. The central government is also preparing to bring new restrictions in this regard. Recently , the central government has ordered Google and YouTube to stop ads from foreign betting platforms targeting Indian users. Steps have also been taken to stop direct or indirect advertisements of online betting companies on TV or OTT platforms. Earlier in India there was talk of bringing restrictions on only skill based gaming , but now with the intervention of the Prime Minister's office efforts are being made to impose restrictions on both skill and chance games. However , the whole thing has now taken the form of a very large industry so instead of banning it outright, the government seems to be looking for a middle way where the restrictions protect the interests of the users and generate tax revenue for the government.

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I have also handled cases where kids have been blowing away seventy thousand to one lakh rupees every month (read again , every month) , on various gaming platforms. Some of these students also resorted to selling drugs to earn money by playing games. Most of these cases are of high addiction , where children spend 10 to 18 hours a day playing games... '' from Maharashtra , ' Responsible Netism ' ( The founder of an organization named said this in an interview.

Note again - using social media or videos or games is not wrong. Experts say that playing online games also has benefits. It increases the cognitive skills of the child to take immediate action according to the situation, formulate new strategies as needed and take swift action. Judicious use of social media or YouTube is definitely beneficial.

But when the use becomes an addiction, the situation becomes alarming and the problem is that parents do not realize this until their own children are becoming addicted. There is nothing wrong with kids playing games on mobiles or laptops as time goes on, there is nothing wrong with staying connected with friends on social media , but just playing games for hours , watching useless or age inappropriate videos , living life only with likes on Instagram. It becomes imperative for parents to pay attention to whether they are considered successful or unsuccessful.

Parents can give such attention when they can recognize the symptoms of this new age illness . Parents don't have to take their mobile to know that their child is addicted to mobile , it can be seen directly.

However , parents can also take some other steps and know exactly how much time the child is actually spending on the mobile.

What can parents check in mobile ?

Whether the child is playing games on his own mobile or that of his parents , go to settings and look for a feature called ' Digital Wellbeing ' . This feature may be slightly different in Android and iPhone or some company's mobile , but both the name and function are almost same. It can see how many times the mobile is unlocked in a day , how many notifications are received. It can also be seen how much time is spent in mobile in a day. One can also see how much time is spent in different apps out of the total time. Weekly balance can also be viewed. Now various apps are also starting to provide such facility and if the usage increases to a certain extent, it also draws attention. In the Digital Wellbeing app , parental control options will also be available.

Also, as discussed at the beginning of this article, if a son or daughter spends thousands of rupees on online games, parents must know about it. Now is not the time when a boy spends cash from home and gambles on the pavement of the street. This amount can go from the mobile , online and from the bank account. Also, if the parents do not consider it , then no technology will work in ' treating ' their children. All other parents can correct the deteriorating situation with just open discussion.


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