Want to learn to write well in English?

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In the year 2011 , a survey called ' National Assessment of Educational Progress ' was conducted to assess the educational progress being made in the country . Students of class 8 and 12 were covered in this survey. It concluded that 76 percent of students in the country cannot write well in English.

Shocked ? Another shock is yet to come - this survey and findings are not of Indian students , but of American students! It is a fact that the competitions like ' Spelby ' in America are dominated by students of Indian origin , but if American students whose mother tongue is English are so raw in writing , then how can we talk about the English of students studying in Indian schools ?

In our country's education system, all focus is on exams and marks. In that, if a student has taken science, he has absolutely no focus on language - where are his marks going to be of use ?!

In fact , having an understanding of the finer points of language may not be useful in college admissions , but it can be very useful in college studies and later careers. Nowadays , all the writing skills of the school-college passers are confined to writing statuses on social media. Even though social media has developed its own hotchpotch (khichdi!) language , the ability to express one's thoughts - correctly and well - in any language is an important art, and even in today's tech age, this art will never diminish in importance.

Students who are left raw in writing and expressing themselves during their school days - in English or any other language - will definitely do poorly in college and later in their careers . In any field of life , when you and your competitors are almost on the same level in all other respects, you can only gain ground on the strength of language - especially when that language is English!

All these things were well understood by an American named Peter Gault and some of his friends. Perhaps that is why they were shaken by the findings of 2011. Together , they developed several technology-based tools to help school teachers help their students become better writers and readers. Out of this a website was created in 2014 - www.quill.org ( quill means quill). This site has some special , free tools useful for students in grades 3-12 . Today, major tech companies and foundations support this website.

If you are a Gujarati-English medium school teacher or want to improve your child 's (or your own!) English , this website is worth using regularly!

There are tons of sites and apps on the internet that help in mastering English and some of them are so good that we are kind of jealous that such sites don't exist in our language ?! Keep in mind though that the website discussed here , as is the case with most such sites or apps , is not meant to be useful for learning English on its own. This site is useful in strengthening the grip on English. It has rich content that helps in developing writing skills especially in English.

This site is quill.org. ( https://www.quill.org). Pay attention to dotorg , you will arrive at a different site at quill.com!

Basically this site is designed keeping in mind the schools and teachers of English subject. The use of the site is absolutely free. The site aims to make third through twelfth graders better writers and readers!

For that this site offers different types of learning tools. Each tool is a type of English writing or reading activity that students can complete in minutes.

How can this site be used ?

Keep in mind that this site is designed with US schools in mind , but teachers from any school around the world can join and add their own students.

Not only that , if you are not a teacher but are interested in improving your child's English, you can also open an account on this site as a teacher, even if you have only one or two children in your class.

What is the basic concept ?

The whole concept is that school teachers (or parents) open a free account on the site , have their students open an account, or have the teachers open an account for them, and then run a new class parallel to the school's actual classroom. Teachers assign assignments to their students using ready-made tools on the site and students work on them , receiving feedback from the teacher and the site.

This site helps in working on various aspects like sentence formation , proofreading , grammar , reading etc. With the help of this site, teachers can know exactly what their students are struggling with and what needs to be addressed. This analysis is the most important aspect of this site.

Next to this page , this site provides a brief introduction to the tools available. If you look at it and jump into the original site, there will be much more information ,

No tool can give results overnight , so the tools on this site are useful only when they are used regularly.

Is this site useful for us ?

If you are a true teacher , who wants to teach English language to your students in a variety of ways and not just by relying on a textbook, then this site will definitely be useful for you. English medium school teachers and students will find this site a little easier to use , a junior Gujarati student might find it difficult , but if you have a deep passion, it's not that difficult.

In fact the whole world is turning to these types of online teaching tools. During Corona, we suddenly turned to it and got tired of online education very quickly , but if today's children are to be prepared for the new world, teachers and parents also have to work hard! All depends on your will and hard work. We have started talking about smart class or smart teaching and many schools are really using technology smartly in teaching , but looking at this site, it is understandable that what drastic changes are coming from technology in education in the future!

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See an example of a tool on this site. The tool is ' Quill Connect '. Given a couple of sentences , we have to link them together to form a new , well-structured sentence. The fun thing about Quill is that we get instant feedback on whatever we try. In English , students who are not used to writing relatively long sentences usually get the job done when it comes to joining sentences by removing a full stop from the middle and replacing it with an ' end ' .

Such shortcuts do not develop writing skills! So if a student creates a new sentence in this way, he gets feedback that the use of ' and ' may be grammatically correct , but the sentence can be made more powerful with 'because' , ' so ', ' hens ' etc. As the student reaches the mean, practice placing commas and other punctuation marks correctly in sentences! Look carefully at the adjacent screenshots.


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