Have you created your own 'private' group in WhatsApp?

Many services on the Internet can be used in ways other than those for which they are known. Like WhatsApp. We use WhatsApp every day to exchange messages with other people , but we can also use the same service to communicate with ourselves!

Did anything go wrong while surfing the internet ? Have you been standing in line somewhere and an idea flashed in your mind ? Feel like buying a product while surfing the internet ? In many such different situations , it is necessary to record the matter somewhere as quickly as possible. WhatsApp can be very useful for us in doing that. If you want to do note taking , web clipping or task management in a very proper way , then it is better to use apps or services specially designed for that. But if there is no gap in it, WhatsApp can also work!

All we have to do is to create a group on WhatsApp in which only we are members!

For this, create a daily group on WhatsApp and add any other family member to it. After creating a group, you will be an admin in that group, so you can remove other members. Now you will be the only member in this group. Now, if you find anything useful while surfing the internet, share it in this group. If you like a message in WhatsApp itself and feel like saving it, forward it to your own exclusive group. Whenever an idea flashes in your mind, open WhatsApp and post it as a voice message or a typed message in this group to capture it. All you have to do is select a name for this group that you remember. Plus pin the group or add a shortcut to it on the home screen to make it even easier!


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