The data of Signal, which is considered more secure than WhatsApp, was also stolen

Some time ago , there was a lot of uproar when Facebook changed the terms and conditions of its proprietary WhatsApp service for Indian users only , remember ? Many people then deleted the WhatsApp app from their phones and installed the ' more secure ' Signal app. Then, as expected , almost none of their friends or family showed up, so everyone turned to WhatsApp again!

Recently, the data of users of Signal, which is considered more secure than WhatsApp, was also stolen. Of course , out of its total users, only 1900 users' data was revealed to have been leaked , the number is very small but the signal was affected. Signal's app is now notifying these users. In fact, a company providing phone number verification services for Signal company users was a victim of an attack and Signal users were also affected.

The point is that almost nothing on the internet is completely ' secure ' , not even WhatsApp and not even Signal!


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