WhatsApp will be discontinued from today in this smartphone, check this list

Ahmedabad, Ta, 1 November 2021, Monday

WhatsApp, an instant messaging platform owned by social media Facebook (now Meta), is now discontinuing support from some operating systems. WhatsApp will no longer work on this device and operating system. WhatsApp had earlier warned about this.

WhatsApp will not work on Android OS 4.1, iOS 10 and KaiOS 2.5.1 versions from today. For the rest of the users, WhatsApp will continue to work as before. If your mobile is latest and operating system is latest then you need not worry.

If you are using an old phone or an old operating system, the service of WhatsApp will be closed for you from today. To check your phone's operating system, go to Settings, go to About section and go to Software option. Here you can check the operating system.

WhatsApp will not work on this mobile phone from today

iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, Apple iPhone SE (1st generation), Samsung Galaxy Trend Lite, Galaxy SII, Galaxy Trend II, Galaxy S3 mini, Galaxy core, Galaxy xcover 2, Galaxy ace 2LG Lucid 2, Optimus L5 double, Optimus L4 II Double, Optimus F3Q, Optimus f7, Optimus f5, Optimus L3 II Double, Optimus f5, Optimus L5, Optimus L5 II, Optimus L3 II, Optimus L7, Optimus L7 II Double, Optimus L7 II, Optimus f6, Enact, Optimus f3 , Optimus L4 II, Optimus L2 II, Optimus Nitro HD and 4X HD, ZTE Grand S Flex, Grand X Quad V987, ZTE V956, Big memo, Huawei Ascend 740, Ascend D Quad XL, Mate Ascension, Go up P1 S, Go up D2, Ascension D1 Quad XL

If your phone's operating system is out of date, download the latest operating system.


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