What is Mark Zuckerberg's new Fox Metavers?

New Delhi: The word Metawars has become popular in the tech world and business world as a result of Facebook's move to become a Metawars company, not just a social media company. The meaning of the metavers that Mark Zuckerberg focused on is very broad. Metavers means a shared virtual environment, which people can access via the Internet. This is made possible by the mobile's connection to the Internet.

People see Metavers as the next stage in the development of the Internet. Currently people have to go to a website or go to a social media platform or use a messaging app if they want to communicate with each other online. The concept of metavars is such that it will create a new online space in which people interact with each other in a multidimensional way, where users can not only see the digital content themselves, but also become involved or be a part of it.

The use of metavars has gained momentum due to Covid-17. As a result, more and more people are working online and remotely. In these circumstances, the need to sharpen online interactions has spread and Metavers is its concept.

Thus the term metavers refers to digital space, which uses virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) to create dimensions of live scenes that are virtual despite being close to reality. The gaming world can be taken as an example. Users have characters that can run around and interact with other players.

In addition, blockchain technology can be used to create special types of metavars, in which users can buy virtual land or other digital assets using cryptocurrencies.

Many sci-fi films and books have shown full-fledged metavarces or alternative digital worlds that are difficult to distinguish from the real physical world. However all this is still limited to imagination. Currently most virtual spaces seem more like video games than real life.

The term Metavers is well known in Silicon Valley. Microsoft has also used the term metavers for a place that integrates the digital and physical worlds. Even in the popular children's game Roblocks, who made an entry on the New York Stock Exchange in March, calls himself a Metavers company.


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