Why does this comet have such high levels of alcohol and aldehydes?
New York, September 16, 2021, Thursday
There is a comet in space that releases an abundance of alcohol. In addition, a mysterious heat is emanating from it. Scientists are also worried about the lack of any source of heat in the comet. The comet passed close to Earth two and a half years ago. The comet, named 3P Vertanen, is being monitored on the island by telescopes from the WM Keck Observatory in Hawaii, USA. According to Neil del Russo, a scientist researching comets at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Laboratory, this is the first comet ever discovered to have such high levels of alcohol and aldehydes.
The splitting of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen particles on this comet will be similar to the splitting of the solar system. The Cake Observatory has found some bizarre and thought-provoking data on 3P Vitanen. When a comet passes close to the sun, the particles inside it heat up and start boiling. It does not fall into a liquid state in between as it becomes a gas from a solid ice-like shape. Scientists call this process outgassing in which huge balloons of gas and dust are released. These comets form four sides from the center of the comet and later protrude into a tail-like shape. The source of the comet's heat is unknown, except for solar radiation. Erica Gibbe, a professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Missouri in St. Louis, also found this to be the case. Erica believes there are two possible reasons for this.
At first, some of the atoms in the center of the comet are ionizing in sunlight, so its density may be increasing. This causes kinetic energy and heat to be released when a fast charged super charged electron collides with another molecule. The comet also contains large amounts of water particles, according to data from the Cake Observatory. At its center are ethane, hydrogen cyanide, and acetylene. This study cannot be done with any telescope on the ground. This can be tracked by a spacecraft passing around the comet. Boncho Bonev, an associate professor at the University of Physics Research in the United States, believes that during the study of this comet, special alcohol was found on it. In addition acetylene is rich in ammonia, ethane, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, methanol and water. A 30-minute continuous observation reveals that the comet is releasing alcohol into space.
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