Can hundreds of viruses, such as corona, be transmitted by pollen?

Cyprus, June 7, 2021, Monday

The world has been plagued by corona virus infections for the past year and a half. There is no definite prediction of when the epidemic will go, but there is an emphasis on social distance to prevent it from spreading. However, research into the spread of corona is alarming, with warnings that hundreds of corona-like viruses can also be spread by tree pollen. Research from a university in Nicosia, Cyprus, has found that the risk of spreading the corona virus from pollen is higher in crowded areas. Researchers have modeled a willow tree on a computer that releases large amounts of pollen.

This is the basis on which the corona is spread from particle to particle. However the pollen is very fine and moves fast. Based on this research, it has been warned that a social distance of 5 feet is not enough to stop the spread of Corona virus. Researchers have also suggested that it is important to try to reduce pollen in places where it is high. Normally, a tree releases more than 50 pollen per cubic foot in a day, and each particle contains thousands of viral particles. The research was the brainchild of physicist Talib Dabouk and engineer Dimitrius Drakakis. Researchers believe that trees in the surrounding environment also need to be taken care of. The researchers created a model from the area based on which a computer drawing has been made. This model shows how pollen is spread by air.


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