Does East Africa's desert mall rate survive for 15 minutes without oxygen?

New York, Saturday, June 26, 2021

In order to live life, every animal has to take in oxygen through breathing. The air we breathe contains about 31% oxygen. When the oxygen in the air is less than 10%, a person begins to suffocate. No mammal, not just humans, can survive without oxygen for more than two to three minutes. Because without oxygen, the body stops working. However, the Desert Mall Rate, found in East Africa, is the world's most distinctive animal that can run continuously for 15 minutes without oxygen. This mammal does not feel any pain. Not only this, with the help of food you can get rid of stress.

This hairless dessert mole rate on the body does not cause any kind of cancer. So it is natural that researchers are very interested in this animal with teeth like toothbrush. Thomaspark, a professor of biology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, conducted an experiment a few years ago with very surprising results. The researchers kept the rat in a special cage containing 4% oxygen for five consecutive hours. The most surprising thing was that he survived despite being kept in an atmosphere with zero oxygen for 15 minutes. Not only that, but his brain cells were not damaged. Although ground-dwelling animals get less oxygen, it is the subject of research that can adapt to all of this.

In this regard, some researchers believe that this may be due to the metabolic trick i.e. the action of digestion. When oxygen is depleted, the body uses fucose as a source of energy to prevent glucose from being wasted, but this is found in plants. Now it is important to know how this dessert mall rate metabolic system works. Based on this, it is also important to know whether there is any ability hidden in man like a rat.


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