WhatsApp's new feature Media Management, now you can delete non-essential files in one fell swoop

Ahmedabad. 04 November 2020 Wednesday

Sometimes we get messages from a group or person in WhatsApp and media like photo, video, gif. All of this media has nothing to do with us and it takes up space in our phone but we want to save the text in the messages for some reason, as a result we are hesitant to delete the whole chat.

WhatsApp now has the facility to remove only media by saving text in a specific chat. To do this in Android go to Manage Storage, in the Data and Storage Usage section in WhatsApp's settings. Here you will find options for most forwarded media and chats from 5M onwards. Select the person you want to delete media from in your chat or group chat. So you can see the media with size. Delete all if you want, or select what you don't want and complete the task of clearing by clicking on the bin!

If the videos and images in the messages from different groups or individuals do not seem very useful, it can be set so that they do not download automatically. In Android, for this, you can go to that person or group and set whether the media is downloaded or not in Media Visibility.

If you don't want images downloaded in WhatsApp to be automatically saved in your phone gallery, you can turn off 'Show Media in Gallery' in Settings in Android and 'Save to Camera Roll' in Chat in Settings in iOS.

for more details kindly go to https://ift.tt/3bgFIf3


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