Whether the base number is true or false can be known in just two minutes

New delhi date. 22 September 2020, Tuesday

Who doesn't need an Aadhaar card these days? Whether you want to open a bank account, get a new SIM card or file an income tax return, having an Aadhaar card gives you a lot of convenience. This is because if you want to keep someone as a tenant in your house or you are thinking of renting out your shop, you want an Aadhaar card from your tenant because the Aadhaar number is based on biometric TEDA and Can't create

However, instead of cheating, people often change the card number to create a new plastic card. Before accepting any person's Aadhaar card, you should check whether the Aadhaar number given by him is correct or not.

If you check the authenticity of the Aadhaar number before accepting it, you will be able to trace the person if needed in the future. The Aadhaar card issuing body, the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), facilitates verification of Aadhaar numbers as well as registered mobile numbers and email IDs along with a person's Aadhaar. The process involved is much simpler.

Learn how to verify a base number

- First log on to UIDAI's official website https://uidai.gov.in/.

- On the website you will see the 'My Aadhaar' tab.

- In it you have to pay attention to 'Aadhaar services'.

- where you will see the option of 'Verify an Aadhaar Number'.

- Click on 'Verify an Aadhaar Number'.

- Enter the captcha code with the 12 digit base number here and then click on 'Proceed to Verify'.

If the Aadhaar number obtained by a person is correct then you will come across the last three digits of that person's age, gender, state and mobile number. You can compare this data with the Aadhaar card data provided by the person.

for more details kindly go to https://ift.tt/3bgFIf3


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