World Asteroid Day 2020: Why is this day celebrated today?

New delhi date. 30 June 2020, Tuesday

It was a fateful morning. People saw a very bright and intense light on the earth just like the sun. Ten minutes later a loud explosion was heard. This was a huge explosion. Witnesses said the blast was so powerful that the ground shook like an earthquake. Hundreds of kilometers away, the windows of people's houses were broken. About 80 million trees were uprooted within a distance of two and a half thousand kilometers. As if the abyss had not been broken.

This horrific event was caused by the collision of a huge asteroid (meteorite) with the Earth. The collision caused an 8 km deep pit to fall into the ground. This place has been deserted for more than a hundred years. Even today no tree or plant can grow here. This event is considered to be the largest asteroid collision in history. The event took place on June 30, 1908 in Tunguska, Russia, known in the astronomical as well as space world as the Tunguska Event. Not only this, in the world this day is known as 'World Asteroid Day'.

At about 07:17 a.m. local time on June 30, 1908, the Russians saw a bright light moving around the sky. After a while I saw a big ball of fire coming towards the ground. Witnesses present near the blast said the source of the sound was moving from east to north. His voice startled the people with a loud jerk. The quake was also reported in Germany, Denmark, Croatia and the United Kingdom.

Its intensity was recorded at 5 points on the reactor scale which is similar to an impressive earthquake. For a few days after the eruption the night sky in Asia and Europe became unusual. The environment was also affected. This was an event that is considered to be the most impressive natural as well as astronomical event even after 112 years.

Since 30 June 2017, International Asteroid Day has been observed. The United Nations has declared June 30, 2017 as International Asteroid Day to raise awareness about the dangers of asteroids. On June 30, 1908, a massive eruption took place near the Tunguska River in Russia, which is considered to be the largest asteroid damage ever caused to Earth. This led to the observance of Asteroid Day on June 30 to spread awareness about the dangers of asteroids.

The importance of Asteroid Day

Asteroid Day is observed every year to raise awareness about asteroids among the people and to save the younger generation from the dangers posed by them as well as to explain to them the horrific events caused by these asteroids. You may be surprised to know, but many asteroids are so large that they could destroy the entire planet. These asteroids can range from gravel to 600 miles wide. Asteroids orbit the Sun over an area of ​​hundreds of kilometers. An asteroid crash could cause a lot of damage to Earth.

There are many celestial bodies between Mars and Jupiter in the solar system that are smaller in size than planets and larger than meteorites. These are objects formed at the time of solar formation, called asteroids. Some people call an asteroid a meteorite, but when an asteroid survives on the earth after orbiting the sun, it is called a meteorite. . This process is always ongoing. However, there are very few occurrences of asteroids colliding with Earth.

The first asteroid was discovered in 1801

Asteroids are commonly found in the asteroid belt, an area found between the planets Mars and Jupiter in the solar system. This is the area in which the asteroids orbit the sun. The first asteroid was discovered in 1801 by astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi. This was the largest asteroid ever discovered by astronomers.

In addition to keeping the main secret about the origin of human life and the evolution of the Earth, asteroids are believed to hold abundant resources, which could come in handy for the use of mankind.

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