Now you will get facility of loan in UPI too, easily

After shopping on an online shopping site on the internet, when we go to pay for it, we often see an option called ' Pay Letter ' . This option is available in addition to bank credit/debit card , mobile wallet or UPI. Shop now and pay later with these conveniences offered by payment gateways. This facility works like a kind of loan. We can avail this facility after providing our details.

The same facility is now available in UPI as well. This facility is offered by some banks. Most banks call it ' UPI Now , Pay Later ' .

Of course this facility is available to us subject to certain conditions. If this facility is available from the bank in which our bank account is, then it can give us this facility after checking the amount deposited in our account. Even if our bank account is with another bank, the bank can give us this facility after deciding whether we can lend to us.

However, before availing this facility, it is necessary to understand the various conditions of the bank , especially how much interest it will charge. For example, if we make a ' loan ' of Rs 10,000 using the UPI Now Pay Letter facility and then pay it back in five days, we will incur five days' interest on the amount of Rs 10,000 .


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